- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)06-0093-08
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.06.015
- 项目基金:广东省人口发展综合评价指标体系与人口发展影响评价研究(项目编号:Y331201B09)。
- 作者简介:李国敏,男,汉族,山西运城人,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,博士研究生;
- 基于耦合协调度的城镇化质量评价:以珠三角城市群为例
- Evaluation of Urbanization Quality Based on Coupling Coordination Degree: A Case Study of Pearl River Delta City Clusters
- 浏览量:
- 李国敏 匡耀求 黄宁生 常向阳 姚三军
- LI Guomin KUANG Yaoqiu HUANG Ningsheng CHANG Xiangyang YAO Sanjun
- 摘要:
从系统论的角度出发,将城市系统看作是由经济、人口、资源和环境四个子系统耦合而成的开放型的耗散结构系统,构建了基于耦合协调度的城镇化质量评价模型,并运用数据包络分析法和主成分分析法进行客观赋权。以珠三角城市群为例进行实证研究,分析了研究区2003-2012年间耦合协调度的时序特征,然后以耦合协调度为基准,对研究区城镇化质量的分布特征及空间演变规律进行分析。结果表明:珠三角城市群的城镇化质量总体呈上升趋势,经济发展与生态环境两个子系统之间初步形成了良性耦合关系;人口与资源两个子系统的发展明显滞后于其它子系统的发展,成为阻碍珠三角城市群城镇化质量提升的不利因素;在空间分布上,珠三角城市群城镇化质量分布呈现中部高于两翼的特征,城镇化质量的提升在空间上呈现出由中部向两翼扩展的态势。 - 关键词:
城镇化质量;耦合协调度模型;数据包络分析;主成分分析;珠三角城市群; - Abstract: This paper focus on evaluation of urbanization quality through a perspective of system theory. Urban system, as open system, is a dissipative structure coupled by its subsystems, which mainly contain economic subsystem, population subsystem, resource subsystem and environment subsystem. An urbanization quality evaluation model is developed based on coupling coordination degree function. The Data Envelopment Analysis and Principal Component Analysis are applied to ensure the objectivity of weight determination in evaluation model. We explored the efficacy of the evaluation model by applying it to better understand the interactive of subsystem manifested in a real system, the Pearl River Delta City Cluster (PRDCC), China. Temporal characteristics of coupling coordination degree from 2003 to 2012 are analyzed, and then benchmarked against the coupling coordination degree, the distribution characteristics and spatial evolution are analyzed. Results show that: the Coupling Coordination Degree values of nine cities all appear increasing trend during the past ten years. This means that the urbanization quality is consistently rising during the ten years in PRDCC. The benign coupling relationship has been formed between economic development subsystem and ecological environment subsystem, promoting the advance of the urbanization quality in the whole area. However, the development of population subsystem and resources subsystem lags behind that of other subsystems, and become the obstacles impeded the advance of the urbanization quality in the whole area. Analysis on the spatial distribution pattern shows that the urbanization quality is higher in the middle of Pearl River Delta than in the wing, and that the advance of the urbanization quality is extending from the middle to the wing.
- Key words: urbanization quality; coupling coordination degree; principal component analysis; data envelopment analysis; pearl river delta city cluster
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