- 产业园区发展模式与规划策略探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)07-0039-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.07.007
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“中国城市空间增长的低碳化形态模式研究”(编号:41171130,2012—2015)。
- 作者简介:赵勇健(1990-),北京市城市规划设计研究院,硕士;
- 高技术园区生活性公共设施内容、空间布局特征及借鉴——以日本筑波科学城为例
- The Study and Experience on the Substance and Spatial Distribution of High-Tech Park’s Living Public Facilities: A Case Study of Tsukuba Science City in Japan
- 浏览量:
- 赵勇健 吕斌 张衔春 胡国华 李金钢
- ZHAO Yongjian LYU Bin ZHANG Xianchun HU Guohua LI Jingang
- 摘要:
在对高技术园区概念及发展历程、公共设施内涵和相关研究述评的基础上,展开对筑波科学城生活性公共设施的研究。通过对不同公共设施的类型、数量、密度、人均面积等指标的梳理总结,以及设施的空间核密度、用地布局特征等方面的分析发现:筑波科学城生活性公共设施类型层级丰富,规模指标相对较高,具有社区化特征,各类设施布局特征具有显著差异,但总体呈现覆盖范围广的集聚核心,空间布局与居住区、商业区相关。最后文章总结了高技术园区生活性公共设施的特征和可借鉴经验。 - 关键词:
生活性公共设施;密度;空间布局;核密度分析;筑波科学城; - Abstract: This paper reviews the concept and development of high technology park, and gives the connotation of the public facilities, as well as correlation studies, then studies the living public facilities of Tsukuba Science City. The type, quantity, density, average land area and other indicators are summarized, and the space density, characteristics of land layout are analyzed. Then we found that public facilities type hierarchy is rich, and life scale index is relatively high. What’s more, although public facilities have the characteristics of community and all kinds of facilities layout have significant difference, they have a wide range of concentration core in general and space layout are in fact related to the characteristics of residential area and commercial area. Last this paper summarizes the characteristics of life public facilities in high technology and experience.
- Key words: living public facilities; density; spatial distribution; kernel density analysis; Tsukuba Science City
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