- 产业园区发展模式与规划策略探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)07-0035-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.07.006
- 作者简介:夏健,苏州科技学院苏州国家历史文化名城保护研究院院长,苏州科技学院建筑城规学院教授;
- 基于“人地和谐”的西南山地工业园规划策略
- Industrial Park Planning Strategies Research Based on the Theory of “Man-Land Harmony” in Southwest Mountain Areas
- 浏览量:
- 夏健 徐澄栋
- XIA Jian XU Chengdong
- 摘要:
针对西南山地工业园的开发建设现状,在分析生态保全和经济发展的矛盾后,提出必须坚持“人地和谐”的理念以保障西南地区经济、环境和社会的可持续发展。据此讨论了基于和谐目标和调控主题的西南山地工业园的规划原则和程序,提出了工业园规划在规划结构、功能布局、道路系统、绿地系统、公共设施和分期建设规划中都必须贯彻“人地和谐”的理念,并详细探讨了以因地制宜、弹性生长为核心的相关规划策略。 - 关键词:
人地和谐;西南山地;工业园;规划策略; - Abstract: Aiming at the development status quo of the southwest industrial park construction, this paper analyzed the contradictions between ecological preservation and economic development, then put forward the idea of “man-land harmony” ensuring the sustainable development of the economy, the environment and the society. According to this idea, the industrial park planning principles based on the harmonious purpose and the procedures footing on the control themes were discussed. After that, the author gave the idea that the “man-land harmony” must be carried out during the industrial park planning into these aspects, including the planning structure, functional layout, road system, green space system, public facilities and stage construction planning. At last, the planning strategies were discussed in detail with the adjusting measures to local conditions and flexible growth at the core.
- Key words: man-land harmony; southwest mountainous areas; industrial park; planning strategy
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