- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)08-0092-07
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.08.014
- 项目基金:中央高校基本科研业务费(06112012CDJSK0005)资助;教育部青年基金项目(12YJCZH255)。
- 作者简介:叶贵,男,重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院副教授,博士,主要研究方向:工程管理,建筑安全管理、房地产经营与管理等;
- 建筑物使用寿命影响因素的模糊因子分析
- Analysis of Affecting Factors of Building’s Life-span Based on Fuzzy Factor Analysis Model
- 浏览量:
- 叶贵 别领康 汪红霞 洪亮
- YE Gui BIE Lingkang WANG Hongxia HONG Liang
- 摘要:
针对我国建筑物使用寿命过短问题,以影响建筑物使用寿命因素为研究对象;首先,采用文献分析法和半结构化访谈法,归纳出23 个影响因素,经过专家打分得到城市规划为最直接的影响因素;其次,利用模糊因子分析法提取了7 个公共因子,进一步进行了原因分析和归纳后,以对建筑物使用寿命作用的权重为标准,得到决定建筑物使用寿命的主要原因是功能寿命(权重为39.56%),然后是物理寿命(28.88%)、经济寿命(19.81%)、外部环境(10.04%),然后构建出建筑物使用寿命树形概念模型,并提出了延长寿命措施。研究成果有助于人们掌握建筑物使用寿命影响机理,丰富建筑物寿命理论,并合理确定建筑物使用寿命和建筑业发展战略,提高资源使用效率。 - 关键词:
建筑物;使用寿命;影响因素;主要原因;延长寿命; - Abstract: The short life-span phenomenon of buildings is very common in China, which has brought tremendous negative inf luence on environment and society. In order to reveal the essence of this phenomenon and put forward effective strategies, it is necessary to get a comprehensive understanding of influencing factors of the building’s life-span. First, 23 important factors were figured out through comprehensive literature review and semi-structure interview and were scored by experts selected subsequently. The result shows that urban planning factor is the most direct factor, Then 7 common factors were extracted by analyzing the relationship among these data with the fuzzy factor analysis model which can reduce the effects of outliers effectively. The result of further discussion of the 7common factors reveals that the life-span of buildings depends on three aspects: physical life-span(main aspect),the function lifespan, the economic life-span and the external environment(important aspect). The Life-span Tree Model of Building was proposed and some effective strategies were concluded in the end, which can contribute to grasping the inner affecting mechanism of building’s life-span, formulating the effective measures to prolong building’s life-span.
- Key words: building; life-span; influence factor; the main reasons; prolong life-span
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