- 收缩城市——国际经验和中国现实
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)09-0036-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.09.005
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“同城化与尺度重组:广佛、沈抚、长株潭地区的比较研究”(41271138);
- 作者简介:李郇,男,江西南昌人,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,教授,博导,研究方向为城市经济、城市规划;
- 珠江三角洲城镇收缩的空间分布与机制
- The Spatial Distribution and Mechanism of City Shrinkage in the Pearl River Delta
- 浏览量:
- 李郇 杜志威 李先锋
- LI Xun DU Zhiwei LI Xianfeng36
- 摘要:
城镇收缩现象早在20世纪中期已于欧美国家出现,珠江三角洲作为“增长的奇迹”地区也同样面临城镇人口的局部收缩,尤其是金融危机后城镇的收缩现象加剧。本文利用人口普查数据和统计年鉴数据,从镇街单元和区县单元来考察珠三角地区城镇收缩的空间分布;并以东莞茶山为案例,从劳动力供给和产业需求的角度构建了基于产业结构调整和人口结构变化的城镇收缩分析框架;考察了珠三角地区城镇收缩特征及其形成机制。研究发现:(1)珠三角核心区以局部城镇收缩为主,收缩相对集中的城镇分布在外圈层,并形成三大城镇收缩集聚区域 ;(2)经济增速持续放缓、外来人口总量减少是珠三角城镇收缩的典型特征;(3)产业结构需求变化与劳动力供给结构变化的不匹配造成珠三角的城镇收缩。 - 关键词:
城镇收缩;产业需求;人口供给;茶山镇;珠江三角洲; - Abstract: City shrinkage emerged in European and American countries as early as the mid-20th century. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is "miracle growth" area for urbanization, but cities and towns development also face population and economy shrinkage after the financial crisis in 2008. In this paper, we investigate spatial distribution of city shrinkage in the PRD respectively from district/county level and town/street level, using permanent resident data of Population Census and the Statistical Yearbook. By the case of Chashan Town, an analytical framework is established in this paper for city shrinkage from the perspective of industrial structure and labor structure. Moreover, we explore shrinkage characteristics and formation mechanism caused by supply and demand changes. The research reveals: (1) the spatial distribution of city shrinkage displays partial in the core area as well as relatively concentrated in the outer circle, developing three major shrinking agglomeration areas; (2) economic continual decline and immigrant reduction are typical characteristics of city shrinkage in the PRD; (3) the mismatching of industrial demand structure and labor supply structure causes city shrinkage in the PRD together.
- Key words: city shrinkage; industrial demand; labor supply; Chashan Town; PRD
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