- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)09-0114-04
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:C
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.09.018
- 作者简介:钱洁,南京钟山风景区建设发展有限公司,高级经济师;
- 旅游配套项目的PPP模式应用研究
- The PPP Model Application Research on Tourism Supporting Projects
- 浏览量:
- 钱洁 苏强 周中行 陈光
- QIAN Jie SU Qiang ZHOU Zhonghang CHEN Guang
- 摘要:
PPP模式在国外实践多年,成效显著。笔者注意到目前我国PPP项目不仅集中在环境、轨道交通、区域开发和市政工程等领域,部分大型旅游配套项目也在探索。本文结合前期实践案例深入总结和归纳PPP模式在大型旅游配套项目应用中的核心问题及重点事项。 - 关键词:
PPP模式;旅游配套项目;准经营性项目; - Abstract: The PPP mode has been practised abroad for many years effectively . I notice that the PPP projects not only focuses on the environment, the orbit transportation, regional development and municipal engineering presently, some large tourism supporting project is also explored in our country. Based on the previous practice case, I summarize the PPP model ’s core problems and key issues in application of large tourism supporting projects.
- Key words: the PPP model;tourism supporting project;prospective business project
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