- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2015)09-0071-04
- 中图分类号:C916 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2015.09.011
- 作者简介:杨红伟,上海大学社会学院讲师。
- “镇管社区”体制下城郊大型居住社区治理的财政困境研究——以上海市宝山区大型居住社区为主要调查对象
- Fiscal Dilemmas of Large-Sized Suburb Residential Community’s Governance in Town-Governed Communities System: A Survey of Large-Sized Residential Communities in Shanghai Baoshan District
- 浏览量:
- 杨红伟
- YANG Hongwei
- 摘要:
镇管社区是城市大型居住区建设中出现的基层行政体制创新,财政资金的安排对其具有根本性的意义。镇管社区所采用的资金保障机制对大型居住社区的运行起到了良好的促进作用,但由于这一体制还处于试验阶段,其中也面临一些亟待解决的问题。完善镇管社区的财政体制的关键,在于超越财政资金的筹措与运用本身,从更广泛的维度,如产业、住房政策、横向财政公平、治理改革、行政体制创新等方面,来综合解决大型居住社区治理的财政困境。 - 关键词:
镇管社区;大型居住社区;财政困境; - Abstract: Town-governed communities is an innovation of grassroots social administration in the large-sized suburb residential communities, in which fiscal arrangement is fundamental. Town-governed communities adopted some mechanisms to ensure the funds needed, which promoted the operation of large-sized residential communities. But there remain some urgent problems. The key to improve the fiscal system of town-governed communities, is to transcend the revenue and expense of fiscal fund. The fiscal dilemmas should be solved synthetically in the perspectives of industry plan, housing policy, horizontal fiscal fairness, governance reform, administrative innovation, and so on.
- Key words: town-governed communities; large-sized residential communities; fiscal dilemma
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