- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)01-0090-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.01.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“异质性视角下城市土地利用对居民出行碳排放的影响研究”(编号:41401163);山东省自然科学基金“黄河三角洲高效生态经济区飞地经济发展研究”(编号:ZR2012DQ004);中国博士后基金(2012M520396)。
- 作者简介:马交国(1978-),男,汉族,硕士,济南市城乡规划编制研究中心工程师,主要从事城市规划、城市发展战略等方面的研究工作;
- 我国物流园区规划、建设和发展模式研究述评
- Review on Domestic Study of Logistics Park Planning, Construction and Development Models
- 浏览量:
- 马交国 马永欢 刘清春
- MA Jiaoguo MA Yonghuan LIU Qingchun
- 摘要:
在国家政策和快速城市化背景下,物流业和物流园区蓬勃发展,给经济社会发展带来了一定程度的影响,物流园区研究日益受到重视。本文分别从物流园区的基本内涵、空间布局、园区建设和发展模式四个角度,对当前我国物流园区的研究进行了系统梳理和深入评述,发现目前国内研究主要集中于物流园区的概念、功能、类型等方面,缺少对动力机制、互联网技术的分析,研究学科比较单一,缺少跨学科复合研究。作者指出,物流园区的相关研究应置于更广阔的研究视角下,定性研究与定量研究相结合,尤其要关注互联网技术的影响。最后作者指出了当前我国物流园区研究存在的不足,并对今后我国物流园区研究提出建议和展望。 - 关键词:
物流园区;研究;规划;述评; - Abstract: Under national policy and rapid urbanization process, logistics parks develop extremely rapidly in China, which has attracted a public concern among researchers and officials. The study on logistics parks in China has been of great importance. This paper makes a review on current domestic logistics park research systematically, including four aspects: basic conception and types, spatial layout, construction and development patterns. The previous domestic scholars mainly focus on the conception, function and types, lack of the analysis of internet technology, dynamic mechanism and integration of multidiscipline work. The article indicates that the study on logistics park should pay attention to the integrity of quantitative analysis and quantity analysis, especially considering the influence of internet technology. Finally the author points out shortages of previous research, and proposes a series of suggestions and prospect in the future.
- Key words: logistics park; research; planning; review
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