- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)01-0072-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.01.011
- 项目基金:四川省教育厅项目(成都市城镇体系空间结构及其演变的定量分析,编号:11ZB260);环保部“生态十年”专项(西南地区土地覆盖遥感监测,编号:STSN-01-04)。
- 作者简介:冯文兰,成都信息工程大学,副教授;
- GIS支持的成都市县域城镇影响腹地的动态分析
- Dynamic Analysis of County Hinterland in Chengdu Supported by GIS
- 浏览量:
- 冯文兰 牛晓俊
- FENG Wenlan NIU Xiaojun
- 摘要:
采用修正的场强模型计算了四川省成都市2000、2005和2010年县域城镇影响力,并在GIS技术支持下分析了县域城镇影响力格局及其动态变化。结果表明,成都市县域城镇辐射强度格局为典型的圈层结构,各县域城镇影响范围亦呈圈层分异。受城市规划和有关政策的影响,中心城区对位于规划发展区位的县域城镇的经济影响已开始由吸收向辐射转变,西部远郊圈层各县域城镇与中心城区争夺腹地的能力逐渐增强,市域范围城乡一体化发展特征已初步显现。 - 关键词:
城镇影响力;城镇影响腹地;场强模型;动态分析;成都市; - Abstract: Using the improved field potential model, the radiation of county city in Chengdu was estimated respectively in 2000, 2005 and 2010. The scope of county hinterland was further marked off according to the ascription calculation result supported by GIS. Then, the pattern and its dynamic characteristics of county radiation and hinterland were analyzed. The result showed that, the distribution of county radiation in Chengdu was a typical circular, and the hinterland patterns of county-cities still tended to spherical heterogeneity. Driven by the urban planning and related policies, the way of the economic impact of the city center on those suburban county-cities had changed from absorption to radiation. The western far outskirts had a gradually enhanced competitiveness of hinterland. It revealed that the continuous radioactive zone had been initially formed from city center to the outside in Chengdu.
- Key words: city radiation; hinterland; field model; dynamic analysis; Chengdu
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