- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)01-0065-07
- 中图分类号:F601.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.01.010
- 作者简介:孙菲,唐山学院,助教。
- 重庆地区城市规模结构演变的时空特征及驱动因素分析
- City Scale Structure Lap Wings Temporal Evolution of Trends and Driving Factors
- 浏览量:
- 孙菲
- SUN Fei
- 摘要:
本文利用重庆地区2002-2010年城市规模的相关数据,针对现有文献缺少城市体系动力类别探讨较少的特点,对空间结构演变及驱动机制进行了探讨分析。ESDA分析显示,区域内的城市规模虽然呈现高度的全局自相关,但高高集聚仅仅出现在一小时经济圈内,主城区与万州之间的沿江城市规模热点区虽初步形成,但其余地区仍被冷点包围;而进一步的分形理论表明,一圈两翼地区面临着首位城市过大,2~4位城市以及两翼地区核心城市发展不足的难题;最后借助于驱动机制分析,本文发现外向力与市场力是区域发展的核心力量,内源力因类型不同而存在差异,行政力的负面作用开始显现,一圈两翼地区的城市体系的合理发展需要借助外向力与市场力、强化内源力、减轻行政力,以全面合理推进山地城市体系的建设。 - 关键词:
一圈两翼;城市体系;空间数据探索;分形理论;驱动因素; - Abstract: With the use of lap wings region 2000-2010 urban scale data, the scale of the system for the mountain city driving mechanism of structural evolution and analysis were discussed. Spatial data exploration showed that although the size of the cities within the region showed a high degree of global auto-correlation, the mere presence of high concentration in one hour economic circle, the main city and the size of the cities along the river between the Wanzhou District, the initial formation of hot spots, the rest are still cold spots surrounded; further fractal theory suggests that the first city in Chongqing region faces excess, 2-4 wings of a regional core cities and urban development in the problem of insufficiency final drive mechanism by means of analysis, we find that outward force and market forces are regional development of core strength, endogenous forces exist due to differences between different types of administrative power of the negative effects begin to be felt. Based on these conclusions, this paper considers one-hour economic circle outward force that should be a reasonable contribution towards the main means of urban population, the two wings of the core areas that should accelerate regional urban construction, while increasing source of power within their own development, deepening reform to enhance market power, and transforming government functions to reduce administrative power to promote the lap wings comprehensive and rational development of regional urban system.
- Key words: lap wings; urban system; spatial data exploration; fractal theory; driving factors
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