- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)01-0122-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.01.020
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目“城市化背景下山地城镇生态安全格局与景观特色研究 ”(项目编号:12YJA760029);教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目“武陵山少数民族地区特色民居保护与改造调查研究”(项目编号12YJC850005);三峡大学土木与建筑学院硕士论文培优基金资助(项目编号:PY201407)。
- 作者简介:李桂媛,三峡大学土木与建筑学院,人居环境研究所,教授,一级注册建筑师,研究方向:人居环境理论与设计方法;
- 基于传统民居空间重构的山地城镇景观特色初探——以武陵山区为例
- The Exploration of Mountain Town Landscape Features Based on the Space Reconstruction of Traditional Dwellings:A Case Study of the Wuling Mountainous Area
- 浏览量:
- 李桂媛 谢涵笑 黄东升
- LI Guiyuan XIE Hanxiao HUANG Dongsheng
- 摘要:
城镇化逐渐影响着山地村寨的发展,正处于旅游开发进程中的武陵山区,面临着构建地域性山地城镇景观特色的挑战。本文以武陵山区为例,以秀山县大寨村土家族传统民居空间为分析对象,利用空间句法分析该村寨传统民居聚落的空间形态特征,在山地城镇发展背景下,探寻以传统民居空间重构为途径的山地城镇景观特色构建的方法。 - 关键词:
武陵山区;传统民居;空间重构;山地城镇景观; - Abstract: The urbanization is gradually affecting the development of mountain villages. The Wulin mountains area is in the process of tourism development, facing the challenge of building regional mountain towns landscape features. This paper took the Wuling mountains area as an example. It took the Tujia traditional dwellings space as the object of analysis, in DaZhai Village of XiuShan County. This exploration used the space syntax to analyze spatial form features of traditional dwellings in the village. And it explored the method of building the mountain town landscape features, taking the space reconstruction of traditional dwellings as the way in the context of mountain towns development.
- Key words: Wuling mountainous area; traditional dwellings; space reconstruction; mountain town landscape
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