- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0046-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.007
- 作者简介:袁奇峰(1965-),男,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,教授,博士生导师,教授级高级规划师,中国城市规划学会学术工作委员会委员、青年工作委员会委员;
- “内卷化”约束视角下的珠江三角洲地区旧村改造——以佛山市南海区XB村为例
- Involution Constraints Perspectives on the Old Village’s Renovation in the Pearl River Delta: A Case Study of XB Village in Nanhai, Foshan
- 浏览量:
- 袁奇峰 钱天乐 杨廉
- YUAN Qifeng QIAN Tianle YANG Lian
- 摘要:
为缓解城市转型升级所需的空间压力,珠三角启动了“三旧”改造,探索存量改造的地方试验。因特殊的历史背景,旧村改造成为重中之重。已有研究通常认为,清晰的土地产权和足够的土地租金剩余是旧村改造的前提,然而现实证明很多满足这一前提的旧村却并未如愿改造。若将土地产权和租金剩余视作旧村改造的外部基础,村集体的组织运作逻辑则是改造的内部基础。本文试图从村集体内部入手,分析经联社(行政村)和经济社(自然村)、精英和村民等相关主体的互动影响关系,解释旧村改造无法实现的内在约束。通过研究可知,由于珠三角旧村既有的“内卷化”约束,使得改造要从单一主体主导的开发模式转变为多主体协商的开发模式,在关注政府、村集体、开发商等主体的外部协商之余,更需要关注经联社(行政村)、经济社(自然村)、村民等利益相关者的内部协商。在改造过程中,要激励内部相关主体一致改造、降低内部约束的成本;地方政府的引导、管控角色至关重要。 - 关键词:
旧村改造;内卷化约束;内部协商; - Abstract: To relieve the pressure on the land requirements in the process of urban transformation and upgrading, the Pearl River Delta has launched urban reconstruction policies, which are admitted as local tests exploring the existing construction land’s renovation. For the history reason, the old villages are of uppermost priority in urban reconstruction. It is accepted that clear land property rights and sufficient land rent residual are key factors for the old villages’ renovation. However, it is observed that some villages cannot make the renewal although they meet this prerequisites listed above. If the mentioned prerequisites are the external foundation for the old villages’ renovation, it is necessary to accept that the village collective’s organization and operation mode is the internal condition. This article analyzed the internal constraints on old villages’ renewal by studying the relationships between the administrative village and the natural villages, the elite and villagers. It is concluded that the renovation model should shift from single stakeholder orientation to multiple stakeholders’ negotiation because of the existing “involution” constraints in the Pearl River Delta villages. Not only the external negotiation among the government, village collective and developer, but the internal negotiation among administrative village, natural villages and villagers should be taken into account. During the process of renovation, it is urgent to make an agreement among relevant benefit agents to reduce the cost of internal constraints and the local government needs to play a key role.
- Key words: the old village’s renovation; involution constraints; the internal negotiation
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