- 乡村建设中的治理问题
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0022-08
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51478216)、江苏省“青蓝工程”、阿里研究院第五季“活水计划”资助成果。
- 作者简介:陈芳芳(1992-),女,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 电子商务驱动下的乡村治理多元化重构研究——基于山东省曹县大集镇的实证
- Study on the Pluralistic Reconstitution of Rural Governance Driven by E-Commerce: A Case Study of Daji Town of Cao County, Shandong Province
- 浏览量:
- 陈芳芳 罗震东 何鹤鸣
- CHEN Fangfang LUO Zhendong HE Heming
- 摘要:
乡村治理的重构是新型城镇化进程中乡村可持续发展的重要保障。乡村电子商务的发展在重构乡村经济结构的同时必然启动乡村治理结构的转型,形成新的促进乡村电子商务发展的治理模式。乡村电子商务的发展需求和运行模式决定了乡村治理的重构过程和机制。以山东省曹县大集镇为例,总结电子商务驱动下的乡村治理多元化重构的特征,进而从内外两个方面揭示利益重组推动内部治理重构与升级需求倒逼外部治理重构的机制和趋势,为乡村建设与规划提供决策参考。 - 关键词:
电子商务;乡村治理;重构;大集镇; - Abstract: The reconstitution of rural governance is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of new urbanization. With the development of rural e-commerce, the rural economic structure will be restructured, which will inevitably lead to the reconstitution of rural governance. Thus, a new rural governance which will in turn promote the development of rural e-commerce is emerging. And the development needs and operation mode of rural e-commerce determine the reconstruction process and mechanisms of rural governance. Based on the empirical study of Daji town of Cao county in Shandong province, this paper firstly summarizes the characteristics of rural governance driven by e-commerce. Then, from two aspects of inside and outside of village to reveal its driving forces and tendency, the paper argues that the restructuring of benefit structure and the upgrading requirements of e-commerce will respectively reconstruct rural internal and external governance, providing implications for rural construction and planning.
- Key words: e-commerce; rural governance; reconstitution; Daji town
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