- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0087-07
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.013
- 项目基金:中央高校基本科研业务费(NO.106112015CDJXY190003)资助。
- 作者简介:彭坤焘,副教授,重庆大学建筑城规学院,山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室;
- 技术经济范式变迁对城市区域空间演化的影响研究——基于广佛大都市区发展形成过程的探讨
- The Formation Mechanism of Metropolitan Area in Perspective of Techno Economic Paradigm
- 浏览量:
- 彭坤焘 徐煜辉
- PENG Kuntao XU Yuhui
- 摘要:
技术进步是塑造经济体系的关键力量,并以重大通用目的技术创新促进了技术经济范式变迁。范式变迁重新定义了资源稀缺性,扩展了分工,决定着国家与城市区域的命运,进而影响空间演化。当前,在信息技术经济范式下,城市区域的分工水平不断跃升,带来产业空间重构及集群化发展,深刻影响着城镇化的空间格局与形态。大都市区的形成过程,就是在技术经济范式限定空间交易成本的前提下,空间交易成本与本地化收益递增效应的权衡的结果。 - 关键词:
技术经济范式;分工水平;大都市区;空间交易成本; - Abstract: Technology progress is the key power in economic system. The major general purpose of technology promoted the transformation of technological and economic paradigms. The change of techno economic paradigm redefined the scarcity of resources, expanded the division of labor, determined the fate of nations and cities. At present, the ICT economic paradigm promotes city regional division level increased continuously, bringing the industrial space reconstruction and cluster development. The formation process of the metropolitan area is defined by spacial transaction cost and increasing returns of localization under the effect of ICT economic paradigm.
- Key words: techno economic paradigm; division level; metropolitan area; spacial transaction cost
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