- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0094-08
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41501191);湖南省自然科学基金项目(2016JJ2010)。
- 作者简介:李伯华(1979-),男,衡阳师范学院城市与旅游学院副教授,博士,研究方向:区域发展与城乡规划,人居环境学;
- 地方性中心城市就业与居住空间匹配问题研究 ——以衡阳市为例
- Spatial Match between Employment and Housing in Local Central Cities: A Case Study of Hengyang City
- 浏览量:
- 李伯华 窦银娣 彭珊珊 刘沛林
- LI Bohua DOU Yindi PENG Shanshan LIU Peilin
- 摘要:
以衡阳市为例,运用偏离度指数及问卷调查等方法,研究了地方性中心城市就业与居住的空间匹配状况。研究结果表明:从宏观视角来看,衡阳市就业—居住匹配关系具有较强的片区规律性,核心区雁峰区、蒸湘区就业功能逐渐增强,而石鼓区和珠晖区居住功能日益强化。从微观视角来看,衡阳市珠晖区居民就业与居住地之间的平均距离为3.33km,通勤时间一般在30min 以内,通勤方式以步行、电动车、公交车为主,与北上广等一线城市相比还未出现严重的职居分离现象。从社会经济属性来看,年龄在50 岁以上、职业为公务员、有单位分房或文化程度较低的群体就业—居住空间匹配状况较好,而家庭规模大、学历高、企业员工等容易产生职住空间分离。 - 关键词:
居住空间;就业空间;匹配;衡阳市; - Abstract: Taking the case of Hengyang city, this paper uses deviation index and questionnaire survey to analyze the spatial match level between employment and housing in local central cities. The results indicate that the employment and housing spatial match degree shows great district regularities. Employment function increases gradually in core areas, which include Yanfeng district and Zhengxiang district. At the same time, the living function increases in Zhuhui function and Shigu district. From the macroscopic level, the average commuting distance and time is about 3.33km and 30min in Zhuhui district, and residents always choose walking, electric car or bus. Compared with the first-tier cities, Hengyang shows no mismatch of job-housing. From the social-economic attributes level, we find that the most prominent features of the job-housing balanced group are more than 50 years old or engaging in public service or living in the accommodation provided by the corporation or low educated groups. In contrast, the extended families, high educated groups or employees of the enterprises tend to be more imbalanced in job-housing balance.
- Key words: housing space; employment space; match; Hengyang city
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