- 乡村建设中的治理问题
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0002-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.001
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金课题(No.51578276)资助成果。
- 作者简介:张京祥,男,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向:城乡发展与规划、城市与区域治理;
- 解析中国当前乡建热潮背后的资本逻辑
- Analyzing Capital Logic Behind Rural Construction Boom in Contemporary China
- 浏览量:
- 张京祥 姜克芳
- ZHANG Jingxiang JIANG Kefang
- 摘要:
随着中国经济发展环境、城镇化阶段的转型及消费社会的来临,各种情怀推动下、各种形式的“乡建运动”正在各地广泛发生并渐成热潮。本文从资本实现空间生产的批判性视角切入,将当前的乡建热潮视作为资本循环过程中对“消费性建成环境”的主动营造,在此过程中,通过打造符号化的乡村空间来获取“垄断地租”是资本快速增值的内在逻辑。在资本力量的扭曲下,许多乡建活动导致了主题乐园化、过度商业化、乡村绅士化、价值逐利化等趋势。基于此,文章提出要剖析当前乡村建设热潮背后的资本动机与运作逻辑,节制资本的无限渗透;并认为活化乡村自身的资源禀赋,规范工商资本进入乡村的方式,促进现代产业资本与乡村内生转型的有机融合,才是至关中国未来广大乡村复兴的关键。 - 关键词:
乡村建设;消费文化;空间生产;资本循环;垄断地租; - Abstract: With the transformation of China's economic development environment, the change of urbanization development stage and the advent of consumption society, various forms of “rural construction movement” is booming under the promotion of various feelings. From critical perspective in the production of space driven by capital, this paper considers that current rural construction boom is an initiative building behavior of “consumptive built environment” in the process of capital circulation. And acquiring “monopoly rent” is the internal logic in the process of rapid capital increment by creating the symbolic rural space. Under the distortion of capital, the subsequent effects after many rural construction activities are often the disneyfication in space, over commercialization in agriculture, gentrification in society, profit orientation in values. Based on this, the article puts forward that analyzing the motivation and operation logic of capital behind current rural construction boom is necessary, and unlimited infiltration of capital in rural must be disciplined. In addition, the activation of resource endowment, the limitation of capital entering approaches, the combination of capital and endogenous transformation are the key of China’s rural renaissance in the future.
- Key words: rural construction; consumption culture; production of space; capital circulation; monopoly rent
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