- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0073-06
- 中图分类号:U482.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.011
- 作者简介:胡军红,女,东南大学交通学院在职博士研究生,南京工业大学交通运输工程学院副教授,研究方向:交通运输规划与管理;
- 城市新区现代有轨电车线网规划方法研究——以南京河西新城为例
- Research on the Planning Method of Modern Tram Network in New Urban District: A Case Study of Nanjing Hexi New Town
- 浏览量:
- 胡军红 过秀成
- HU Junhong GUO Xiucheng
- 摘要:
以南京河西新城现代有轨电车线网规划为实证案例,通过现代有轨电车在河西新城发展中的适应性分析,研究河西新城现代有轨电车的应用模式,结合客流需求和廊道布局分析,明确现代有轨电车在河西新城的功能定位;基于线网规模测算和主要集散点控制要素分析,采用基于集散点重要度的线网生成方法,综合考虑公共交通体系的功能层次、网络结构、廊道选择和建设时序等因素,形成南京河西新城现代有轨电车线网布局规划方案。旨在验证现代有轨电车线网规划方法相关研究成果的实际应用效果,进一步提高现代有轨电车线网规划的科学性和合理性。 - 关键词:
城市新区;现代有轨电车;线网规划;应用模式;实例应用; - Abstract: Using the network planning of modern tram in Nanjing Hexi new town as an empirical case in
this paper, the paper studied the application mode of Hexi modern tram by adaptability analysis of modern tram in the developing process on Hexi new town combined with passenger demand and corridor layout analysis to put forward the functional orientation of modern tram in Hexi new town. The purpose of the study is to verify the practical application effect of the related research results of modern tram line network planning, and to further improve the scientific implications of the modern tram line network planning.
- Key words: urban new distract; modern tram; network planning; application mode; empirical application
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