- 乡村建设中的治理问题
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)10-0038-08
- 中图分类号:C912.82 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.10.006
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目“构建全民共建共享的社会治理格局研究:聚焦人口流入型地区”(项目号:15ZDC007)的前期研究成果。
- 作者简介:田雄(1984-),男,华东理工大学社会学系博士研究生,中国城乡发展研究中心研究人员,助理研究员;
- 县域科层组织规则与农村网格化管理悖论——以长三角北翼江县为例
- The Paradox of the County Bureaucracy Organization Rules and Rural Gird Management
- 浏览量:
- 田雄 曹锦清
- TIAN Xiong CAO Jingqing
- 摘要:
撤村并组后,村庄社会和地理空间扩张,利益主体和利益诉求增多,而村干部数量却同步减少,国家主导的农村网格化管理手段试图解决人少事多的问题,从而达到管控全方位、服务精细化的目的。但从县域基层实际来看,农村网格化管理并未有效整合科层组织之间分割的资源和降低基层治理成本,存在着“准村干部”式的参与和科层组织转嫁行政任务相促进的悖论。这种悖论形成的逻辑是科层组织除了G D P 增长的政绩目标之外,还有非经济增长的政绩目标追求。为此,他们把城市网格化管理方式简单复制到农村地区,且以管控为实质目的,使村级组织承担了更多自上而下的行政任务,最终产生“行政吸纳社会”现象,导致网格化管理目标与手段偏离、科层组织价值取向与民众实际需求之间出现错位等后果。 - 关键词:
科层组织规则;社会空间;网格化管理;非经济型政绩; - Abstract: Since the withdrawal of the village and village groups, social and geographical spatial expansion, interest and interest demands have increased. But from the grassroots reality, rural grid management is not an effective integration method of organizational resources and to reduce the split between the grass-roots governance cost. There is a paradox of “quasi village cadres” participation and organization on promoting the administrative tasks. The logic of this paradox is that in addition to the growth of GDP in the hierarchy organization, there is not the pursuit of the goal of economic growth. To this end, the paper put the city grid management mode simply copied in rural areas, resulting in an “administrative absorption of society” phenomenon.
- Key words: bureaucracy organization rules; rural society space; grid management; bureaucracy noneconomical achievement
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