- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)11-0109-08
- 中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.11.016
- 项目基金:河南省重点科技攻关计划项目(142102310028);河南省政府决策招标课题(2013B046)。
- 作者简介:郭汝(1981-),男,河南城建学院建筑与城市规划学院副院长,博士,副教授,注册城市规划师,主要从事村镇规划、城市更新研究;
- 合理镇村体系规模结构问题探析 ——以湖北省武汉市柏泉镇、河南省兰考县爪营乡及河南省新县箭厂河乡为例
- Research on Rational Scale Hierarchy of Town and Village System: Case Study on Baiquan Town in Wuhan City of Hubei Province, Zhuaying Town in Lankao County of Henan Province and Jianchanghe Town in Xin County of Henan Province
- 浏览量:
- 郭汝 高成全
- GUO Ru GAO Chengquan
- 摘要:
一方面,小城镇在我国城镇化进程中有着重要地位,一直是我国学术界关注的焦点问题;另一方面,农村量大面广,人口众多,农村规划建设同样是关注的热点。因此,镇村体系问题重要性凸显。其中,合理规模是规划建设的前提和基础,没有相关合理规模的确定,规划建设就没有依据,因而,合理镇村体系规模结构成为镇村体系研究的核心问题。本文在把握国内外相关研究的基础上,从区域、生态、经济、社会等综合视点同时切入,使用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,通过对湖北省武汉市柏泉镇、河南省兰考县爪营乡及河南省新县箭厂河乡三种不同类型小城镇合理镇村体系规模结构的探析,提出了区域是决定镇村体系规模结构的主要因素等相关研究结论。 - 关键词:
合理;镇村体系;规模结构; - Abstract: On the one hand, because of the important status of small towns in China's urbanization process, the problem of small towns is always a hot topic in academe of China. On the other hand, rural planning and construction is also the focus of social concern. Accordingly, the importance of the town village system is highlighted. Thereinto, reasonable scale is the basis of the planning and construction, so the planning and construction will not have the reference if the related scale has not been determined. Therefore, rational scale hierarchy of town and village system becomes the core issue of the research of the town village system. In the paper, based on the full and accurate grasp of the domestic and foreign relative research, using the methods of qualitative research and quantitative research, by the case study of Baiquan town in Wuhan city of Hubei province, Zhuaying town in Lankao county and Jianchanghe town in Xin county of Henan province from regional view, ecological view, economic view and social view, the conclusions, such as region is the primary element of scale hierarchy of town and village system are put foreword.
- Key words: rational; town and village system; scale hierarchy
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