- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)11-0045-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.11.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(编号:51008268)。
- 作者简介:周维,工程师,深圳新城市规划建筑设计有限公司;
- 借鉴英国零售空间规划经验,优化城市商业网点规划效能
- The Use of the Experience of British Retail Planning to Optimize the Effectiveness of Urban Commercial Network Planning
- 浏览量:
- 周维 张艳
- 摘要:
商业网点规划作为专项规划的一类,加强它与城市规划的衔接是推进“多规融合”的一个重要方面。从中心体系、发展规模、商业空间培育三方面,梳理了我国当前城市规划、商业网点规划对零售型商业网点在空间布局引导中存在的不足,并在借鉴英国零售空间规划编制经验的基础上,提出了相关的改善建议。 - 关键词:
零售;商业中心;商业网点规划;城市规划; - Abstract: Strengthening the connection of urban planning with the commercial network planning, which is a type of special planning, is an important aspect of facilitating the “convergence of multi-planning”. This paper, from the aspects of the central system, and the scale of development and the commercial space, analyzes the defect of retail business space layout in current urban planning and commercial network planning, and puts forward relevant proposals for improvement based on the experience of the retail space planning in UK.
- Key words: retail; town center; commercial network planning; urban planning
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