- 基于生态视角的城市发展与规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)12-0036-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.12.006
- 项目基金:中国建筑科学研究院基金资助“智慧低碳产城融合示范区总体规划研究”(20141201330730057);转型期城市规划技术创新研究(20161201330730083)。
- 作者简介:吕慧芬(1979-),女,中国建筑科学研究院城乡规划院副院长,高级规划师;
- 我国西部生态脆弱地区产城融合规划探索 ——以乌兰布和生态沙产业示范区总体规划为例
- A Discussion on the Industry-City Integration Planning in the Eco-Fragile Areas of West China: A Case Study of the Master Plan for Wulanbuhe Ecological Sand Industry Demonstration Zone
- 浏览量:
- 吕慧芬 刘珊珊 张志丹
- LYU Huifen LIU Shanshan ZHANG Zhidan
- 摘要:
从要素、状态和过程三个角度对产城融合概念进行了阐述,认为产城融合应是“产、城、人、境”的多元融合,不同地区由于自身条件和所处环境的不同,应有不同的产城融合状态,并且会一直处于动态演化和转型升级过程之中。在此基础上,结合乌兰布和生态沙产业示范区总体规划,从功能定位、生态治理与建设、产业发展、城镇建设、区域对接、分期实施、弹性引导等方面探讨了我国西部生态环境脆弱地区的产城融合规划思路。 - 关键词:
产城融合;要素;状态;过程;生态; - Abstract: This paper elaborates the concept of industry city integration from the perspectives of elements, state and process of it. Industry-city integration combines the diversity of “industry, city, people and environment”. Different regions have the different industry-city integration state, due to their own conditions and environment, and are always in the dynamic evolution. Then the paper discusses the planning ideas of industry-city integration in the eco-fragile areas of west China, from the aspects of function orientation, ecological governance and construction, industry developing, town construction, regional connecting, time implementation, and elastic guide, and with the case of the master plan for Wulanbuhe ecological sand industry demonstration zone.
- Key words: industry-city integration; element; state; process; ecology
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