- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)12-098-07
- 中图分类号:X22 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.12.014
- 作者简介:刘建石,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院博士生在读,南京安居保障房建设发展有限公司。
- 大型保障性住区的空间选址的思考
- Research on the Space Location of Large-scale Affordable Housing Community
- 浏览量:
- 刘建石
- LIU Jianshi
- 摘要:
随着城镇化建设及城中村危旧房改造工作的全面推进,中国各城市正在大力推进保障性住区建设。但由于原有的城市空间资源或已被开发殆尽,导致全国很多城市的发展遇到了无法突破的瓶颈。通过新城(新区)的建设所带来的新的城市空间,这一举措正好打破了城市发展的瓶颈。文章通过对国内过往已建设保障房项目空间布局传统做法的研究,分析了城市社会空间选址合理性对保障房居民及社会的影响,并结合对南京地区过往建设保障性住区项目入住居民的问卷数据分析,运用空间生产理论及居住分异理论对现存问题进行反思。强调了城市新城的空间布局应着力处理好“三个平衡”,即:人口和配套设施的平衡、居住和就业的平衡、个体和城市生活关系的平衡。并借鉴国际成熟经验,从空间布局的平衡角度出发,针对性地提出了几种空间选址的优化方式,即:发展以公共交通为主导的住区模式;鼓励适度混合居住,推行各种类型的配建方式;结合新区开发的整体规划等方式,以期有效优化大型保障性住区选址。 - 关键词:
保障性住区;居住分异;空间选址; - Abstract: At present, with the urbanization construction and comprehensive advancement of the reconstruction of old and dilapidated houses in urban villages, great impetus is given to the construction of affordable residential housing in cities all around China. However, as almost all of the original city space resources have been developed, the development of most Chinese cities are confronted with bottlenecks that cannot be easily broken through. The construction of new cities (or zones) brings new city space, which breaks the bottleneck of city development. Based on researches on the traditional practices in space layout of affordable housing in China, the influence on the residents of affordable housing as well as on the society exerted by the rationality of the urban social space location is analyzed. Besides, statistics analysis is given on the basis of questionnaire aimed at residents of previous affordable housing in Nanjing, whereby existing problems are reflected by means of the theory of space production as well as the theory of residential differentiation. It is emphasized that as for the urban space layout in new districts, “three balances” should be struck, namely: the balance between population and supporting facilities, the balance between living and employment, the balance between individual and city life. Meanwhile, drawing lessons from international experience, focusing on the balance of space layout, several optimum modes are put forward in terms of space location, namely: to develop settlements dominated by public transport; to encourage mixedincome housing and promote various types of supporting facilities; to effectively optimize the rationality of space location of large-scale affordable housing through such means as comprehensive planning for the development of new districts.
- Key words: affordable housing community; residential differentiation; space location
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