- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)12-0062-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.12.009
- 项目基金:Mega-Regional Development and Environmental Change in China and India(ARCP2013-22NMY-Sellers)(2013-2016);中华人民共和国科学技术部制、国家科技支撑计划(2015-2017):小城市(镇)组群智慧规划建设和综合管理技术集成与示范(2015BAJ05B00)。
- 作者简介:黄经南,武汉大学城市设计学院副教授;
- 海绵城市概念下基于小流域不透水面分析的城市开发策略研究
- Sub-Watershed Impervious Cover Analysis Based Development Strategy under Sponge City Concept
- 浏览量:
- 黄经南 敖宁谦
- HUANG Jingnan AO Ningqian
- 摘要:
首先介绍了流域管理和不透水面分析的概念,并提出小流域是区域层面海绵城市建设管理的最佳单元,而不透水面比例是城市建设开发的依据。通过将规划区依据自然地形特性划分为小流域,根据不透水面分析结果进一步将其划分为敏感区、受影响区域、无支撑区域及城市化地区。针对各分区提出不同的开发指导策略。最后以重庆为例说明如何通过小流域的不透水面分析来指导海绵城市开发建设。 - 关键词:
海绵城市;不透水面;流域管理;开发策略;重庆; - Abstract: This article first introduced the concept of watershed management and impervious cover analysis, and then proposed watershed as the best unit for human development, and impervious cover ratio as the basis for sponge city construction in the regional scale. Planning area can be divided into subwatershed according to the natural terrain feature, then further classified into sensitive areas, affected areas, no support area and urbanized area according to the analysis of impervious cover. Different development strategies were proposed correspondingly. In the end, the paper demonstrated its application with an example of Chongqing, China.
- Key words: sponge city; impervious cover; watershed management; development strategy; Chongqing
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