- 收缩城市——国际经验和中国现实
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)02-0008-03
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.02.002
- 作者简介:刘云刚,男,内蒙古呼和浩特市人,中山大学地理科学与规划学院,教授,博士,主要研究方向为城市地理学、政治地理学、生活空间论。
- 面向人口减少时代的城市规划:日本的经验和借鉴
- Urban Planning Facing Depopulation Era: Based on the Study of Japanese Experiences
- 浏览量:
- 刘云刚
- LIU Yungang
- 摘要:
中国的城市规划和城市政策大多以城市的不断成长和扩大作为默认的前提,而从不加以怀疑。特别是近年来,城市扩张不仅是一种惯性,而且常被作为一种城市发展战略。这种情形与二战后高度成长时期的日本颇为相似。以所谓的“过密问题”作为前提,如何拓展城市空间,如何保持城市空间质量成为城市政策的沉重课题。但是,日本如今人口的增长戛然而止,以扩大为前提的城市规划和城市政策实施所暴露出的问题也日渐显现,这对中国当今的规划政策具有借鉴意义。中国将很快进入到人口老龄化和人口减少的时代,未雨绸缪,中国的城市规划不应再犯类似日本的错误。本文以日本首都圈的空间动态及其反思为例,评述目前日本有关人口减少时代的规划讨论,以期对中国城市规划和城市政策提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
城市规划;过密问题;过疏政策;人口减少;城市收缩;日本; - Abstract: Urban planning and urban policies in China are mostly based on the assumption that there would
be continuous urban growth and urban expansion. In recent years, urban expansion is not only promoted by the inertia force but also be treated as a kind of development strategy, which is much like the path that Japan has taken after World War II. In the context of so-called "overpopulation problem", it is a knotty issue to maintain the quality of urban space with the rapid urban expansion. However, with population shrinkage in Japan, increasing issues appear as the result of the previous urban planning policies that promote urban expansion. As the population will age and decline in China soon, it is important for China to avoid similar mistakes as Japan made. This study tries to provide a guide liner suggestions for China through rethinking the spatial dynamics of Greater Tokyo Area and reviewing current planning discussions in terms of depopulation in Japan.
- Key words: urban planning; overpopulation problem; depopulation policy; population reduction; city shrinking; Japan
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