- 公交导向下的城市规划与管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)03-0028-06
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.03.005
- 作者简介:周晓,女,硕士,江苏省江阴市城乡规划设计院副院长,总规划师,注册城市规划师;
- 以TOD理念支撑江阴城市空间战略转型
- To Guide Jiangyin's Urban Spatial Strategic Transformation Based on TOD Concept
- 浏览量:
- 周晓 邬弋军
- ZHOU Xiao WU Yijun
- 摘要:
江阴城市发展目前面临着两方面的考验,即外部应对长三角一体化和区域轨道交通建设,实现结构调整、能级提升;内部应对快速发展,实现抑制蔓延、提质增效。正可以通过TOD 理念来引导城市发展和转型。本文通过剖析TOD 理念的内涵,并借鉴库里蒂巴市的相关经验,结合江阴市新一轮城市总体规划的相关研究,提出了江阴市抓住机遇,以TOD 理念引导城市空间战略转型的基本思路和规划方法,探讨了在江阴城市空间发展中应用TOD 的可能性与必要性。 - 关键词:
TOD;区域轨道交通;城市空间结构转型;江阴市城市总体规划; - Abstract: The urban development of Jiangyin is faced with two aspects of pressure at the same time: To cope with the Yangtze River Delta integration and regional rail transit construction, and response to the rapid internal urban development. In order to realize the adjustment of the urban spacial structure, to improve city level, Jiangyin just needs to guide the urban development and transformation through the TOD concept. Through the analysis of connotation of the TOD concept, and draw on the experience of Curitiba, with the relevant research of a new round of the master plan of Jiangyin City, this article suggested Jiangyin should seize the opportunity to put forward the basic ideas and planning method based on TOD to guide Jiangyin's urban spatial strategic transformation, and discussed the application possibility and necessity of TOD concept in urban development of Jiangyin.
- Key words: TOD; Regional rail transit; transformation of urban spatial structure; master plan of Jiangyin
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