- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)03-0054-06
- 中图分类号:F299.27;TU984.113 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.03.009
- 项目基金:北京市科技计划课题资助项目:中国园林博物馆展陈系统和相关技术的研究应用。
- 作者简介:郝思嘉(1989-),女,北京林业大学风景园林学硕士,助理工程师;
- 论华盛顿国家林阴大道规划的演变
- On the Evolution of the Planning of the National Mall in Washington DC, USA
- 浏览量:
- 郝思嘉 刘晓明
- HAO Sijia LIU Xiaoming
- 摘要:
美国首府华盛顿林阴大道是美国城市政治文化中心,同时也是美国城市规划史演变的见证者。通过探讨美国首都华盛顿国家林阴大道的规划理念,结合西方城市规划思想史论述其历史上三次重要规划的特点和影响,并从城市空间角度对其做出分析,提出其对于我国城市规划的借鉴之处。 - 关键词:
华盛顿规划;国家林阴大道;郎方规划;景观空间; - Abstract: The National Mall in Washington DC is the center of politics and culture in America, but also a witness of city planning evolution. Through discussing the planning concept of it, the paper expounds three important plannings in the history combined with thought of western city planning, and analyzes characteristic of Washington national mall features from the angle of urban space. At last, the paper puts forward reference for our city planning ideas.
- Key words: Washington planning; National Mall; L'Enfant Planning; landscape space
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