- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)03-0040-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.03.007
- 作者简介:钱芳,女,大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院,讲师;
- 面向旅游的高速公路镇区出入口地区空间构成与整合对策
- The Spatial Composition and Integration of the Freeway Entrance and Exit Area in Town for Tourism
- 浏览量:
- 钱芳 刘代云 张宇 冯婷婷
- QIAN Fang LIU Daiyun ZHANG Yu FENG Tingting
- 摘要:
针对高速公路镇区出入口对小城镇旅游发展的推动作用及现存的问题,提出旅游通道的概念,从交通服务、信息展示、生境联系方面探讨了高速公路镇区出入口地区的空间构成,并结合沈大高速公路李官镇出入口地区城市设计探讨旅游通道概念下的高速公路镇区出入口空间整合策略,旨在为推动小城镇旅游发展、促进城乡旅游统筹提供有效途径。 - 关键词:
高速公路镇区出入口;旅游通道;构成要素;空间整合; - Abstract: Based on the analysis of the effect on boosting tourism and the existing problems of freeway entrances and exits region in town, it puts forward the conception of tourism passage. And it discusses the spatial compositions of the region from the function of transportation service, information display and habitat connection. In addition, it takes Shenyang-Dalian Freeway entrances and exits region in Li Guan as an example to explore the space integrated strategy under the tourism passage concept. It hopes to put forward effective urban planning and design method for promoting urban and rural tourism.
- Key words: the freeway entrance and exit; tourism passage; elements; spatial composition
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