- 公交导向下的城市规划与管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)03-0019-09
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.03.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(编号:51308281),江苏省自然科学基金(编号:BK2012728)。
- 作者简介:卓娜,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,在读研究生;
- 公交导向下的道路分级体系重构 ——以汕头市中心城区为例
- Transit-oriented Road Grading System: A Case Study of Downtown Shantou
- 浏览量:
- 卓娜 石飞 王红扬
- ZHUO Na SHI Fei WANG Hongyang
- 摘要:
在交通规划由“增量”向“存量”转型的背景下,剖析传统道路等级划分方式的弊端,指出小汽车导向型道路分级体系不利于公交优先战略的实施。在此基础上,结合国内外已有相关研究,本文提出将公交优先与土地利用、慢行交通环境相结合的新的道路分类方法。即在主、次、支路网基础上重新划分为骨干路、公交优先级道路、基础路、慢行通道,构建公交导向型路网系统,并以汕头市中心区为例阐述了分级方法的原则、规划方法和可行性。 - 关键词:
公交导向型;道路等级;汕头; - Abstract: In the context that traffic planning is transmitting from incremental planning to inventory planning, this paper draws out the disadvantages of the traditional way of road-grading system and points out that car-oriented system is not conducive to implementation of the public transportation priority strategy. Based on a review of both domestic and foreign researches, this paper proposes a new transitoriented road-grading system by integrating road-grading with public transport priority, as well as land use and slow traffic environment. The new system includes public-transportation prioritized roads, basic roads and slow traffic paths. Then the paper elaborates the principle, planning solution and feasibility of the new road-grading system through a case study of downtown Shantou.
- Key words: transit oriented; road grading; Shantou
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