- 公交导向下的城市规划与管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)03-0034-06
- 中图分类号:U126 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.03.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金)——政策分析角度的苏南乡村空间集约化规划研究(51108073)。
- 作者简介:刘梦淼,女,东南大学交通学院,硕士研究生;
- 新型农村社区背景下城乡公交规划研究
- Study on Urban-rural Public Transport Plan Based on the New-type Rural Community Plan
- 浏览量:
- 刘梦淼 李铁柱
- LIU Mengmiao LI Tiezhu
- 摘要:
当前正在进行的新型农村社区建设是中国农村社会内在变迁的必然结果,也是中国统筹城乡发展的外在要求和鲜活体现。本文顺应城乡一体化发展要求,从新型农村社区建设角度出发,研究城乡空间发展与城乡公共交通之间的关系。将城乡公共交通体系分为“适应型城乡公共交通”及“引导型城乡公共交通”,研究它们与新型农村社区空间布局之间的互动。本文以南京市高淳区新型农村社区规划建设为例,基于社区空间的等级分布,结合现状和未来的空间发展规划,提出了适应型与引导型相互协调发展的城乡公交规划方案。本文的成果可以为新型农村社区及城乡公共交通的发展建设提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
新型农村社区;城乡公共交通;适应型城乡公共交通;引导型城乡公共交通; - Abstract: Ongoing construction of new-type community has profound historical background, which is not only the inevitable result of the inherent Chinese rural social change, but also the external requirements of China’s urban and rural development. Compliant with the requirements of the integrated development of urban and rural areas, starting from the new rural community development , the research is mainly about the interaction between urban development and urban and rural public passenger transport. The paper takes the new-style rural communities construction in Gaochun District for example in order to provide technical support for the new-type rural community space layout and planning of urban and rural public passenger transport.
- Key words: the new-type rural community; urban and rural public transport; guiding type of urban-rural public transport; adaptive urban-rural public transport
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