- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)04-0095-05
- 中图分类号:K92;F12 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.04.016
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41261042);国家社会科学基金项目(14BSH029)。
- 作者简介:王录仓,男,甘肃天水人,西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院教授,博导,博士;
- 欠发达地区城市流强度及中心度研究 ——以甘肃省为例
- Research of Urban Flow Intensity and the Degree in Less Developed Areas ——A Case Study of Gansu Province
- 浏览量:
- 王录仓 严树娟 王静
- WANG Lucang YAN Shujuan WANG Jing
- 摘要:
论文以甘肃省为例,利用城市流强度模型和中心度模型等方法分析欠发达地区省内城市间经济联系强度。结果表明:城市经济实力与城市流倾向度不平衡,各城市经济地位相差很大;多数城市核心度值较小,处于边缘区的分布范围;城市联系网络及处在相对单一、低层次的状态。因此,在未来的发展中应当更多地培育核心或者次一级核心城市,多带动欠发达地区经济发展,形成多中心经济网络。 - 关键词:
中心职能强度;城市流强度;城市中心度;甘肃省; - Abstract: Taking Gansu province as an example, use of the intensity of urban flow model and the center model, the paper analyzed intensity of economic links of cities in less developed areas. The results showed: The city's economic strength and urban flow tendency were imbalance, the economic status of each city varied greatly. Most of the urban core values were small in the distribution of marginal zone. Urban networks were in a relatively single, low level condition. Therefore, in the development of the future, the less developed areas should cultivate the more core and secondary core city, multipoint drive the economic development of Gansu province, multi-center network can be formationed eventually.
- Key words: central function intensity; urban flow intensity; city center degrees; Gansu province
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