- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)04-0127-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.04.022
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目资助(项目批准号:41561035)。
- 作者简介:曲白,广州南沙开发区规划研究中心,主任,国家注册规划师;
- 广州南沙国家级新区公共服务设施 规划初探
- Preliminary Study of Public Facility Planning in Nansha National New District
- 浏览量:
- 曲白 孙贵博
- QU Bai SUN Guibo
- 摘要:
以国务院《广州南沙新区发展规划》为指导,通过新区实地调研及职能部门诉求问卷,分析南沙新区公共服务设施现状。针对现有公共设施服务水平低、空间分布不均衡、可达性差等问题,根据国家新区规划建设要求,将南沙公共服务设施规划进行三级分类:基础型(针对未来南沙居民日常生活需求),先导型(针对新区新型城市化示范需求)及战略型(针对粤港澳区域服务需求)。最后,针对每一类公共服务设施的量化实施,分别提出规划建议及方案,为中国其他国家新区建设提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
国家级新区;公共服务设施;三级分类;服务可达性;广州南沙; - Abstract: With the guidance of Nansha National New District Strategy Planning, the study group conducted a filed survey and a questionnaire survey on the related departments in Nansha, to analyze the public facilities needs and distribution in Nansha. We found that the current public facilities have a low service capability, an uneven distribution, and a weak accessibility for the citizens. The public facilities in our planning were categorized into three types, in terms of basic (for the daily life), advanced (for the new urban growth demonstrator), and strategic facilities (for the regional service of “Hong Kong-Macau-Guang Dong”). Detailed planning suggestions on each type have been discussed and the results have been illustrated. It can be a demonstration of public facticity planning for other national new districts in China.
- Key words: national new district; public facility planning; 3-level classification; accessibility; Nansha
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