- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)05-0112-05
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.05.019
- 作者简介:曹象明(1970-),女,博士,西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院副教授;
- 明长城沿线无人居堡寨的保护价值与保护模式探析
- The Research on the Protection Value and Protection Mode of the Uninhabited Fortresses along the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty
- 浏览量:
- 曹象明 周庆华
- CAO Xiangming ZHOU Qinghua
- 摘要:
长城不是一道单独的城墙,而是由城墙、敌楼、关城、堡寨、烽火台等多种防御工事所组成的完整的防御工程体系。明长城沿线的一些军事堡寨由于生态环境脆弱、地理位置偏僻以及军事功能弱化等原因逐步演化为无人居堡寨。无人居堡寨具有鲜明的历史价值、生态价值和岁月价值。针对无人居堡寨保存现状中存在的问题,论文提出明长城沿线无人居堡寨的保护模式为生态图景模式,从而实现将生态环境和堡寨遗址作为一个整体进行保护的目标。 - 关键词:
明长城;无人居堡寨;价值评定;保护模式; - Abstract: The Great Wall is not just a single wall, but constituted by the walls, watch towers, passes, fortresses, beacon towers and other fortifications to be a rigorous and complete defense engineering system. Some military fortresses along the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty had evolved into uninhabited fortresses because of the fragile ecological environment, the remote geographical position, the weakening military function. Furthermore the paper analyzeshistorical value, cultural value, ecology value and age valueof the uninhabited fortresses. Oriented to the problem of the current situation of the uninhabited fortresses, the paper proposes ecological picturesque mode adapted to the protection of the uninhabited fortresses to realize the goal of making the environment and fortress ruins as a whole.
- Key words: the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty; uninhabited fortresses; value analysis; protection mode
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