- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)05-0053-05
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.05.010
- 作者简介:胡刚,暨南大学公共管理/应急管理学院,教授;
- 共建潮汕揭组合城市对接区的研究
- The Study of Co-building the Docking Area in Chao-shan Combination City
- 浏览量:
- 胡刚 吴晗
- HU Gang WU Han
- 摘要:
在区域竞合时代,各自为政、单打独斗的发展模式早已不能适应时代发展的需要。1991 年潮汕“三分天下”后,该地区进入经济发展的“滞涨期”,这激起了学界、民间和政界对三市再次融合的持续探讨。近5 年官方和民间都出现了推动潮汕揭三市同城化和以汕头为新中心的言论,本文的写作背景正是潮汕地区经济长期的停滞和“以汕头为牵头,推动潮汕揭一体化”意见的出台,提出同城化并非解决城市发展问题的最佳方法,构建组合城市对解决城市竞合问题更为有效,这其中对接区的选择是城市组合的关键,通过共建对接区——沙溪镇将三个独立的城市衔接起来,优势互补,抓住高铁的契机,合作共谋,促进粤东整体的复兴和繁荣。 - 关键词:
潮汕地区;同城化;组合城市;对接区;沙溪镇; - Abstract: In the time full of competition and cooperation in different areas, cities fragmentation namely each doing its own things cannot last too long. Chao-shan district came to a Stagnate phase after Chaozhou/Shantou/Jieyang separated from each since 1991, which arouse the interest to combine the three together in all society. In the past 5 years, it has come to the idea to make the integration city and even make Shantou the center area in this process. This paper came up with the idea that integration city is the most proper way for the development of East Guangdong, instead, the combination city is more effective to solve the obstacles in city development. The key factor during the process is to choose the docking area for the combination city. According to co-building the docking area——Shaxi county, we can link three cities in east Guangdong together again. On the basis of high-speed rail, only when complementing each other’s advantages and cooperation altogether will the area of east Guangdong revive once again.
- Key words: Chao-shan district; combination city; integration city; docking area; Shaxi county
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