- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)05-0064-08
- 中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.05.012
- 作者简介:曹炎(1991-),男,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生;
- 乡村更新中的增长联盟 ——以山东省堽城镇为例
- Growth Coalition in Rural Regeneration: A Case Study of Gangcheng Town
- 浏览量:
- 曹炎 朱喜钢 李小虎
- CAO Yan ZHU Xigang LI Xiaohu
- 摘要:
乡村更新是国家破解城乡二元对立、实现城乡和谐发展的重要任务。我国当下的农村社区建设是乡村更新的一类重要形式。在这一建设过程中,村集体、基层政府、房地产开发商、村民个体基于各自不同的利益诉求形成了较稳定的乡村增长联盟。论文选取山东省堽城镇作为研究区域,发现该镇存在三类乡村增长联盟:“工矿企业+ 村集体+ 开发商”、“县政府+ 村集体+ 开发商”、“镇政府+ 村集体+ 开发商”,进而分析联盟对农户家庭的影响和联盟存在的困境,为乡村增长联盟健康发展提供指引。 - 关键词:
乡村更新;乡村增长联盟;新型农村社区;村集体;堽城; - Abstract: Rural regeneration has become an important task for modern countries to break the contradiction of urban and rural dualistic and realize the harmonious development of urban and rural. The new rural community is an important form of rural regeneration in China. During the construction, stakeholders include village collective, local government, real estate developers and individual villagers have formed a stable rural growth coalition for their respective interests. This paper selects Gangcheng town in Shangdong province as a case, puts forward three coalition types, namely “industrial and mining enterprises + village collective + developer”, “county government + village collective + developer”, “town and township government + village collective + developers”, then give a discussion on the influence on households by the coalition and the dilemma in the coalition, guidelines are put forward for the healthy development of rural growth coalition.
- Key words: rural regeneration; rural growth coalition; new rural community; village collective; Gangcheng
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