- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)05-0039-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.05.008
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金:大城市都市区“紧凑·多核·弹性”地域结构理论及其应用研究(51478199);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金:体制转型背景下的城市蔓延机理与调控研究——以闽东南区域为例(11YJCZH058);中央高校基本科研业务费:基于城市交通与土地利用耦合发展的厦门城市空间演化与优化研究(20720140519)。
- 作者简介:单卓然(1987-),男,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院区域发展研究中心博士研究生,研究方向:区域发展与规划、大都市空间结构;
- 实施性规划下欠发达县域空间生产机制与可预见问题解析 ——以湖北省麻城市为例
- Analysis on the Mechanism of Space Production and Foreseeable Problems of Underdeveloped Counties Subjected to Implementation Plan: A Case Study of Macheng City in Hubei Province
- 浏览量:
- 单卓然 洪世键 黄亚平 张衔春
- SHAN Zhuoran HONG Shijian HUANG Yaping ZHANG Xianchun
- 摘要:
以湖北省典型欠发达县市麻城为例,对其实施性规划蕴含及其反映出的共性目标诉求、关注重点、空间生产机制与可预见问题等进行实证分析与理论解读。首先分析指出了现阶段湖北省欠发达县域实施性规划在政治经济、社会与技术层面的不同目标诉求;其次提炼得到了县域实施性规划编制及实施过程的特定关注重点——重点关注近期产业项目空间布局、重点关注近期道路交通及公益性设施建设、重点关注近期行动计划;再者认为,欠发达县域实施性规划备受重视且具有上述目标诉求与关注重点的原因, 很大程度上源于其背后遵循一套以“空间”为核心的土地出让与资本循环机制。阐述了机制运行的三个环节——以土地为信用抵押换得资本进驻、以设施为触媒实现涓滴增收与土地信用提升、以有序行动计划降低整个过程财政支出成本及风险;最后预判了因欠发达县域实施性规划目标导向而不可避免产生的若干可预见问题,尤其强调了生产过剩与不足并存问题、红利前置与矛盾后延问题,主张要充分认识、提前警惕并同步运用相应政策工具降低上述负面影响。 - 关键词:
县域;实施性规划;目标诉求;关注重点;空间生产机制;可预见问题;麻城市; - Abstract: Taking Macheng city as a typical example of under-developed county in Hubei province, the paper made empirical analysis and theoretical interpretation of appeal, focus, mechanism of space production and foreseeable problem reflected by its implementation plan. Firstly, the paper pointed out that different targets existed objectively in the field of policy, economy, society and technology. Secondly, the paper refined specific focus in the process of establishment and implementation including spatial layout of industry project, construction of road and public facilities, and recent action plan. Thirdly, the paper made a claim that the reasons for the high attention paid to county implementation plan were due to a set of land transfer and capital circulation mechanism behind a large degree which took “space” as the core. Then it expounded three links of the mechanism including getting capital in return for land credit mortgage, trickle-down earning and credit promoting based on facilities catalyst, reducing cost and risk in the whole process by strict action plan. Finally, the paper made an inference that several foreseeable problems would be inevitable in the future, especially the problem of both overproduction and insufficiency, the problem of both dividend advancement and contradiction delay.
- Key words: county; implementation plan; target appeal; focus; mechanism of space production; foreseeable problem; Macheng city
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