- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)06-0067-06
- 中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.06.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(71073116)。
- 作者简介:李全,男,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,博士,副教授,研究方向为土地高效利用;
- 1983-2013年我国土地利用变化领域文献计量分析
- Bibliometric Analysis of LUCC Research in China from 1983 to 2013
- 浏览量:
- 李全 张彦南 韦雯博 洪松
- LI Quan ZHANG Yannan WEI Wenbo HONG Song
- 摘要:
以C N K I 数据库收录的1983-2013 年间土地利用变化领域的5065 篇文献为分析对象,从文献总量、期刊分布、作者合作情况、关键词等方面进行文献计量分析,利用网络图分析作者合作关系和关键词的共现情况。研究发现:①该领域发文量最大的科研单位是南京大学、北京师范大学和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,并形成了以周万村、张树文、刘纪远和庄大方为中心的作者合作群,以及以黄贤金、濮励杰和P.H.Verburg 等为中心的次级作者合作群;②过去30 年来的研究主要围绕驱动因素、景观格局、土地利用结构、生态系统服务价值、城市化及动态监测展开,研究热点地区是农牧交错带和重庆市;③ C A 及C L U E - S 等经典模型仍然在模型预测研究中占有不可替代的重要地位,并将在未来一段时间继续作为土地利用空间模拟的主要方法,而从长远看模型的综合及融合是必然的趋势;④基于高频关键词动态分析和共现网络分析发现,生态系统服务价值、可持续发展及区域差异等关键词反映了我国土地利用变化研究领域的新趋势。 - 关键词:
土地利用变化;网络分析;作者合作群;共词分析; - Abstract: On the basis of 5065 document records in the field of land use change searched in the CNKI database during 1983-2013, a bibliometric analysis was conducted in respect to characteristics of document outputs, author cooperation group and keywords. Meanwhile, network figures were established to analyze the author collaboration and the co-occurrence of the keywords. It was discovered that firstly, Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University and Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS have been taking the lead as the most productive institutions in LUCC field. It has emerged some key author cooperation groups led by Chou Wancun, Zhang Shuwen, Liu Jiyuan and Zhuang Dafang and some subprime author cooperation groups led by Huang Xianjin, Pu Lijie, P.H.Verburg et al. Secondly, research was carried out focusing on driving factors, landscape pattern, land use structure, ecosystem services value, urbanization and dynamic monitoring during the past three decades. Moreover, the hot spots regions for LUCC research emerge mainly in agro-pastoral areas and Chongqing city. Thirdly, the classical models such as Cellular Automata and CLUE-S model still play an important and irreplaceable role in the prediction and simulation research. And the colligation amalgamation between different models will be the trend in the future. In addition, according to the analysis of the high-frequency key words and core keywords co-occurrence network, some keywords as ecosystem services value, sustainable development and regional difference, reflects the new trend in the field of land use change research in China.
- Key words: land use change; network analysis; author cooperation group; co-word analysis
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