  • 旅游
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)07-0127-06
  • 中图分类号:F592    文献标识码:A
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.07.020
  • 项目基金:国家社科基金项目“我国城市休闲化的指标体系、质量测度与提升路径研究”(13BGL094);河南师范大学2014青年科学基金项目“B2C视角下旅游小微企业网络营销研究——以旅行社为例”研究成果(5101209279003)。
  • 作者简介:陶宁(1979-),女,硕士,河南师范大学旅游学院讲师,主要研究方向为休闲旅游及旅游企业管理。
  • HOPSCA视阈下城市主题公园发展模式优化分析
  • Analysis of the City Theme Park Development Model and Design from HOPSCA Perspective
  • 浏览量:
  • 陶宁
  • TAO Ning
  • 摘要:
    随着休闲时代的到来,国民休闲需求不断升级,加之部分房地产商基于投机圈地目的的旅游地产开发,催生了大量大型城市主题公园项目,2010 年起中国将进入一个大型主题公园发展的新时期①。然而数量上的繁荣并不能掩饰时下多数主题公园连年亏损甚至关门歇业的惨淡现状,如何帮助国内主题公园找到一条持续发展的健康之路一直是学术界讨论的焦点。本文借助建筑学上H O P S C A 理念,提出主题公园导向型休闲旅游综合体的优化发展模式,并就理念设计、交通设计、绿色环保设计及智慧综合体设计等方面提出具体建议, 希望主题公园的发展能积极贡献地区经济、提升地区形象、早日实现产业升级。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Theme park is known as one of the three main trends of 21th century in international tourism development. Nowadays, theme park has developed into a faster growing stage, under the catalyzing of nationwide leisure age and the consistent pressure of regulation that is from the government to the property market. However, land agents' swarming forward to do business in this field and their lack of relative experience often cause that quite a lot theme parks are in deficit or even just go bankrupt. This thesis, based on the innovative pattern of HOPSCA (which is Hotel, Office, Park, Shopping-mall, Convention and Apartment) puts forward an optimal development mode combining leisure and tourism for the current stuck city theme park. Furthermore, this thesis also gives specific proposals in terms of design theory, traffic and environmental design and the design of itelligent HOPSCA.
  • Key words: leisure; city; theme park; HOPSCA
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