- 海绵城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)07-0036-05
- 中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.07.007
- 项目基金:江苏高校品牌专业建设工程资助项目(PPZY2015A063);上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(15DZ1203700):立体绿化技术集成研究及应用示范。
- 作者简介:张哲(1972-),男,博士,副教授,南京林业大学风景园林学院景观建筑系,中国风景园林学会风景名胜区委员会委员,长期从事风景园林规划设计、风景名胜资源保护与利用、中国传统建筑研究;
- 坎儿井对海绵城市雨水蓄集策略的启示
- Enlightment of Karez to Stormwater Accumulation in the Sponge City
- 浏览量:
- 张哲 韩凝玉
- ZHANG Zhe HAN Ningyu
- 摘要:
我国城市快速发展忽视了水资源安全的建设,地下水超采严重、用水匮乏、地表雨水径流流失严重、内涝频发,城市面临严峻的水安全危机。海绵城市对雨水资源“渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排”的综合利用,是解决水患的重要举措,但其在缓解水资源匮乏上却捉襟见肘。被誉为“地下运河”的坎儿井,为雨水资源的有效蓄集与高效利用提供了新的启示。通过坎儿井这一个独特的地下水利灌溉系统,水资源在地下被分散收集、统一运输、随时使用。其对水资源的蓄集、运输和使用所映射出的巧妙性、生态性与系统性智慧,对雨水蓄集后的高效利用,提供了生态观、系统观和安全观的借鉴价值。确定坎儿井式的分散蓄集、一体化运输、统筹使用的雨水资源蓄输系统,能最大限度地释放城市海绵体的“安全弹性”,以最经济的方式发挥海绵体节水、蓄水、用水、排水的城市功能,以促进资源集约型城市的健康发展。 - 关键词:
坎儿井;水安全;定向化集水;系统化蓄水;再分配; - Abstract: Domestic cities are facing severe water security crisis due to over acquisition of urban underground water, shortage of water resources, and the runoff, erosion, frequent water logging of surface rainfall caused by rapid development of China and neglect of the construction of urban water security. The comprehensive utilization of sponge urban rainwater resources as “infiltration, hysteresis, storage, purification, use, discharge”, is important measures of rebuilding urban water security. But it lacks the ability to solve the water shortage in the city. Known as the “underground canal”, Karez provides a new train of thought to sponge city construction. Karez is a unique underground water conservancy irrigation systems, in which water is dispersed in underground collection and transported together, and can be used at any time. It is a smart ecological project and systemic accumulation of transportation. Karez-like dispersing-accumulation, integration of the transportation, overall using of the underground storage and transport system of rainwater resources, can utmost ensure the safety of the water resources recycling, maximize the function of the sponge of “safe flexibility” in the most economic way, thus promoting the healthy development of the intensive utilization of resources city.
- Key words: Karez; water safety; structure-setting water collection; systematic water storage; reassign
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