- 海绵城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)07-0029-07
- 中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.07.006
- 项目基金:上海市科委科技创新行动计划海绵城市关键技术专项“立体绿化技术集成研究及应用示范”(编号:15dz1203700)。
- 作者简介:张浪(1964-),男,博士,教授级高级工程师,上海市园林科学规划研究院院长,研究方向为城市绿地系统规划;
- 平原河网地区城市绿地海绵城市功能提升途径
- Approaches to Improve the Eco-Sponge City Function of Urban Greening Open Space in Plain River Network Area
- 浏览量:
- 张浪 朱义 崔心红
- ZHANG Lang ZHU Yi CUI Xinhong
- 摘要:
城市化扩张中以道路、停车场、建筑屋面等形式的不透水下垫面带来了严重的负面影响。从待开发区域到大规模开发的转变,导致降雨径流增加,并且携带大量各种类型污染物进入水体。基于海绵城市理念的低影响开发是解决城市扩展负面环境影响的生态学途径,其重要空间载体是城市绿化开放空间。本文以长三角区域为例,分析和阐述了城市绿地海绵城市建设中汇水区特征、功能定位和功能提升途径三个方面内容。低影响开发雨水系统规划应建立在汇水区特征分析的基础上,包括汇水区等级划分和径流过程分析;城市绿地在海绵城市建设中的定位应明确三个方面功能:降低径流产生源、延长径流路径和增加雨洪调蓄能力。同时,阐述了城市绿地在示范试点工作中提升海绵城市功能的途径。 - 关键词:
长三角区域;平原河网;城市绿地;海绵城市;低影响开发; - Abstract: Some of the worst effects have resulted from urban sprawl development, which will increase the imperviousness of an area in the form of roadways, parking lots, and rooftops. The change from undeveloped to developed land increases the opportunity for rainwater and runoff to detach, entrain, and transport increased loads of many different types of pollutants. Low Impact Development (LID) in the background of eco-sponge city is an ecological solution to the adverse environmental effects of urban sprawl. This paper took the Yangtze River Delta as the study object, analyzed and illuminated the characteristics of the catchment area, functional orientation and approaches to improve the eco-sponge city function in urban greening open space. Low Impact Development (LID) rain systems planning should be established on the basis of the catchment area feature identification, including catchment area classification and runoff process analysis. The functional orientation of urban greening open space should have a defined development direction, form guidelines to reduce runoff source, extend runoff path and increase flood storage. This paper also illuminated approaches to improve the eco-sponge city function of urban greening open space in demonstrations.
- Key words: Yangtze River Delta; plain river network; urban greening open space; eco-sponge city; Low Impact Development (LID)
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