- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)08-0094-06
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.08.014
- 作者简介:范菽英(1972-),女,宁波市规划设计研究院规划二所副所长,教授级高级城市规划师,国家注册规划师。
- 宁波“轨道+物业”的实践初探
- The Practice of Ningbo "Rail + Property"
- 浏览量:
- 范菽英
- FAN Shuying
- 摘要:
文章基于宁波轨道物业开发的规划实践,认同“轨道+ 物业”综合开发的协同效应将最大程度发挥交通和土地的效能,并贴合当下“生态建设”的要求。但现实并不乐观,轨道物业规模小、开发力度小,轨道土地储备难以落实,轨道与土地开发难以同步等,城市TOD 发展方向明确,路径艰难。如何促进“轨道+ 物业”的综合开发,规划层面应率先合理引导,解决规划矛盾,明确规划条件,综合用地布局,而政策层面上促使轨道获取土地的综合开发权才是关键要素。 - 关键词:
“轨道+物业”;综合开发;生态建设;宁波; - Abstract: Based on the planning practice of Ningbo rail property development, synergistic effect of "Rail + property" comprehensive development will maximize the effectiveness of traffic and land, and attached the "ecological construction" requirements. But the reality is not optimistic, and it is difficult to implement land reserve of orbit. The orbit and land development are not synchronized. How to promote the comprehensive development of "Rail + property" ? Planning should take the lead in a reasonable guide, solve the planning contradiction, clear the planning conditions, comprehensive land use layout, and the policy level to rail access to land is the key factor.
- Key words: "Rail + property"; comprehensive development; ecological construction; Ningbo
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