- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)09-0106-07
- 中图分类号:TU981 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.09.017
- 作者简介:陈耀华(1966-),男,江苏常州人,博士,北京大学城市与环境学院,副教授,主要从事风景区规划与世界遗产研究;
- 基于共生理念的风景资源保护与城镇协调发展研究 ——以大理“山水家园”建设为例
- The Symbiosis Concept for Interactive Relationship between Landscape Resources Protection and Urban Development: A Study Based on the Construction of Dali “Landscape Homeland”
- 浏览量:
- 陈耀华 周华庆
- CHEN Yaohua ZHOU Huaqing
- 摘要:
共生理念下的风景资源保护和城镇建设对于新型城镇化和生态文明建设下的我国城市发展具有迫切的现实意义。通过分析共生理念的相关概念和内涵,以大理坝区和大理风景名胜区苍山洱海片区为研究范围,从城景共融的资源价值、城景共存的问题矛盾两个维度对共生理念下的大理“山水家园”的资源基础和现状问题进行了解读,进而从资源发展观、区域城镇体系、发展功能分区和城镇风貌设计四个层面提出了以“苍洱大观”的自然风光、深厚久远的南诏文化和浓郁独特的民族风情为基础特色,因地制宜地保护大理“山水家园”的“山、水、林、田、城”5 大要素,协调风景名胜资源保护和城镇建设,利用城景共建的相关政策和规划理论实现大理“山水家园”城景共生的健康发展。 - 关键词:
共生理念;山水家园;城镇建设;风景资源;大理; - Abstract: Landscape resources protection and urban construction with the concept of symbiosis is meaningful for ecological civilization progress in urban China. Through analysis on relevant concept and implication of symbiosis, the paper studies Dali Scenic and Historic Area, interprets the resources basis and status quo of Dali “Landscape Homeland” from the dimensions of the resources values as well as the problems of integrated city and landscape development. On this basis, four aspects are considered in terms of resources development, regional urban system, zoning of functions as well as outlook design of urban areas. Dali “Landscape Homeland” is characterized by natural scenery, time-honored Nanzhao culture and unique ethnic flavors. That is how “Landscape Homeland” is protected according to its local conditions and better coordination between landscape resources protection and urban construction. What’s more, relevant policies and planning theories are utilized to achieve sound development of Dali “Landscape Homeland”.
- Key words: symbiosis; landscape homeland; urban construction; landscape resources; Dali
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