- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)09-0072-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.09.011
- 作者简介:章瑛,女,副高职高级工程师,南京河西新城区开发建设管理委员会规划设计处处长。
- 国家级生态示范城中的绿色市政行动实践 ——南京河西新城江东南路地下综合管廊及一体化设计
- Green Utility Action Practices in National Ecological Demonstration City: Nanjing Hexi New Town Jiangdong Road Underground Pipeline Tunnel
- 浏览量:
- 章瑛
- ZHANG Ying
- 摘要:
江东南路位于南京河西新城南部国家级绿色生态示范城,按照“生态、绿色、低碳、智慧”的设计理念,对江东南路道路、轨道交通、有轨电车、综合管廊及地下通道等进行一体化设计。以江东南路道路下部空间综合利用为核心,围绕市政公用管线布局,结合新城基础设施规划建设综合管廊,合理布局和优化配置入廊管线,实现管线的集中运营管理,长久保护道路路面的完整性和各类管线的耐久性,有效利用道路地下空间,节约城市用地,美化城市景观,使其成为国内一流、国际先进的综合管廊工程。 - 关键词:
城市规划;综合管廊;一体化设计; - Abstract: Jiangdong South Road is located in Nanjing Hexi New Town,National Green Ecological Demonstration City. In accordance with a design concept of “ecology, green, low-carbon, and intelligent”, Jiangdong South Road was adopted as an integrated design method with road, rail transit, tramcar and pipeline tunnel engineering. The design was with a complex utilization of underground road space at its core, mainly centring on the municipal utility pipelines distribution, combined with new town infrastructure planning to development utility tunnel, to rationalize underground pipelines layout, to optimize pipelines settings within tunnels, further to achieve a centralized operation and management of municipal pipelines, a long-term maintenance for road paving integrity and a durability of all types of municipal pipelines, effectively using underground road space, saving urban land-use, beautifying the urban landscape in order to develop domestic first-class pipeline tunnel projects of the advanced word standards.
- Key words: urban planning; pipeline tunnel; integrated design
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