- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2016)09-0098-08
- 中图分类号:X2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2016.09.016
- 作者简介:赵苑迪,硕士研究生,四川师范大学,西南土地资源监测与评价教育部重点实验室;
- 泸州市限建区划分方法研究
- Resea r ching on the Di v i s ion Method of Limi ted Construction Area in Luzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 赵苑迪 朱明仓 辜寄蓉 李俊
- ZHAO Yuandi ZHU Mingcang GU Jirong LI Jun
- 摘要:
以泸州市为例,从保护自然资源的角度,提出了泸州市的限建要素,并根据《城市规划编制办法(2006 版)》和《土地利用总体规划》提出了五类限建分区。在限建要素和五类限建分区的基础上,采用三种不同方法对泸州市进行限建分区,得出以下结果:(1)基于限建要素分区,给定了泸州市城市发展的刚性边界和弹性边界,刚性边界和弹性边界分别占泸州市总面积的17.01%、36.43%;(2)基于限建指数分区,得出了泸州市可以开发建设的区域面积比例为43.95%。 - 关键词:
泸州市;限建区;限建要素;限建分区; - Abstract: From the perspective of protecting natural resources, we proposed the elements of limited construction in the limited construction area of Luzhou city. Besides, comparing the limited construction division inn the Urban Planning-Making Methods (2006 Version) and inn the General Land Use Planning, we put forward five kinds of limited construction area in Luzhou city. Then, based on the limited construction elements and five kinds of limited construction area, three methods were used to divide the limited construction area in Luzhou city. We analyzed the area calculated by the three methods to form three conclusions in paper, which are as follows: (1)The rigid boundary ratio of Luzhou city is 17.01% and the elastic boundary of total area of the city of Luzhou is 36.43%. (2)Based on limited construction index partition, it can be found that the development and construction region ratio is 43.95% in Luzhou.
- Key words: Luzhou city; limited construction area; limited construction factor; limited construction division
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