- 乡村建设中的治理问题(二)
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)01-0006-12
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.002
- 作者简介:吴梦笛,女,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 城乡关系演进与治理策略的东亚经验及借鉴
- Governance Strategy Towards Integrated Urban-Rural Development in East Asian Economies and its Policy Implications
- 浏览量:
- 吴梦笛 陈晨 赵民
- WU Mengdi CHEN Chen ZHAO Min
- 摘要:
作为快速城市化经济体,中国的城乡二元经济如何向一元经济融合是一个重要命题。中国地域广袤、发展条件迥异,需要实行差异化的区域发展政策。如果说“城乡统筹”是一个全国性的城乡发展导向,“城乡一体化”则是中国东部沿海及内陆特大城市市域城乡发展的现实命题。既有研究较关注于城乡二元结构的产生、发展及其影响,针对城乡二元结构走向一元结构的路径的讨论则相对不足。本文从城市化的阶段性特征与政策干预的视角,首先分析比较日本、韩国和我国台湾地区等东亚发达经济体的城乡关系演进的模式,然后基于东亚经验探讨中国特大城市市域城乡一体化的发展目标和治理策略。 - 关键词:
城乡关系;治理策略;城乡一体化;东亚经验; - Abstract: As a rapidly urbanizing economy, how China’s urban-rural dual economy will move towards an integrated economy is a critical issue. China has vast territory and different conditions for development, therefore, differentiated regional development policies are necessary. If “coordinated urban-rural development”(CURD) can be regarded as a national guide for urban-rural development, “integrated urbanrural development”(IURD) is a press proposition for the most developed ones, the mega-cities in China's coastal and inland territories. Extant research has focused on the origin, development and the impact of urban-rural dualism, while how this dual economy would integrate into a unitary one has drawn less scholarly interest. From the perspective of urbanization stage and policy intervention, this paper first compares the evolving urban-rural development and the governance strategy of developed East Asian economies (Japan, Korean, Taiwan), and then discusses its policy implications for integrated urban-rural development in Chinese megacities in terms of development goals and governance strategies.
- Key words: urban-rural relationship; governance strategy; integrated urban-rural development; East Asian experience
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