- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)01-0053-08
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.008
- 作者简介:范红蕾,北京大学深圳研究生院城市规划与设计学院。
- 文化遗产保护视野下的粤北古村落保护规划研究 ——以河源苏家围为例
- Protection Planning Study on Ancient Villages in North Guangdong from the Perspective of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Sujiawei
- 浏览量:
- 范红蕾
- FAN Honglei
- 摘要:
从文化遗产保护视野看,古村落保护与利用中的原真性和完整性是一项重要内容。粤北地区是客家古村落的主要领地之一,作为客家人几百年来的聚居地,也是其生生不息的“历史记忆”。苏家围便是粤北河源市客家文化集中体现的典型村落,它不仅具有客家传统文化的共性,还在特殊的历史背景下形成“府第式”的民居建筑群,具有丰富客家文化内涵和历史底蕴的重要功能和遗产价值。文章即以苏家围为例,在分析其历史和现状基础上,同时与国内外其他古村落对比,全面评估苏家围的遗产价值,包括它的完整性与原真性及突出的普遍价值,最后结合现状问题提出了保护规划建议。 - 关键词:
文化遗产视野;古村落;苏家围;客家文化;保护规划; - Abstract: From the cultural heritage perspective, the protection of traditional villages in authenticity and integrity is one of important tasks in the scope of cultural heritage protection and utilization. The Hakka people have settled in South Guangdong for hundreds of years. With endless historical memories of Hakka, North Guangdong is regarded as one of the main territories of ancient villages. Sujiawei, the typical Hakka ancient village of Heyuan in North Guangdong, not only has traditional Hakka cultures, but also owns the “hall style” buildings for the special historical background. As a consequence, the village poses important urban function and heritage value with rich Hakka cultural content and historic background. Taking Sujiawei as a case, the analysis of the village’s history and current conditions are conducted. By comparing with other traditional villages at home and abroad, this paper fully reviews Sujiawei’s heritage values which include its authenticity and integrity, and outstanding universal values as well. Finally, based on the existing problems, some suggestions on the protection plan of the village are proposed.
- Key words: perspective of cultural heritage; ancient village; Sujiawei; Hakka culture; conservation plan
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