- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)01-0111-08
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.016
- 项目基金:国家自然科学项目基金“西北地区中小城市增长边界设定及动态调整研究”(项目批准号:51378420)。
- 作者简介:何倡,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院硕士研究生,中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司;
- 不同类型中小城市空间扩展特征研究 ——基于敦煌、金昌、张掖的分析
- The Spatial Expansion Characters of Different Types: Based on the Analysis of Dunhuang, Jinchang and Zhangye
- 浏览量:
- 何倡 陈晓键
- HE Chang CHEN Xiaojian
- 摘要:
城市空间扩展除受城市自身的自然、社会、经济、文化、技术条件的影响外, 还受城市所在区域经济发展水平和在大区域城镇体系中的角色定位等因素的影响,呈现出形成和发展的不同特点和规律。本文采用GIS 技术分别对河西走廊敦煌市、金昌市、张掖市三种职能类型差异显著的城市中心城区2004 年、2009 年、2014 年建设用地空间扩展情况进行分析,以年均扩展量、年均扩展速率来比较三个时间点和两个阶段城市空间扩展的强度变化,并采用“等扇分析法”对三个城市中心城区空间扩展的各向特征进行量化分析,研究各类城市空间扩展的用地结构特征,总结不同类型城市空间扩展模式。并在此基础上,从社会效益和协调性两方面评析了不同类型典型城市空间扩展绩效。 - 关键词:
空间扩展;扩展强度;扩展模式;河西走廊;绩效评析; - Abstract: In addition to the city's own natural, social, economic, cultural and technological conditions, urban spatial expansion is also influenced by factors such as the level of regional economic development of cities and the role of the regional urban system in the region, showing the formation and development of different characteristics and laws. In this paper, the spatial expansion of construction land in 2004, 2009 and 2014 is analyzed by using GIS technology in Dunhuang city, Jinchang city and Zhangye city, which have significant differences in three functional types. The annual average expansion and the spatial variability of the urban spatial expansion in the three urban centers were analyzed by using the "equal fan analysis" method. The spatial expansion of the three urban centers was quantitatively analyzed. Land use structure characteristics are summarized within different types of urban spatial expansion models. On the basis of this, the paper analyzes the performance of different types of typical cities in terms of social benefit and coordination.
- Key words: spatial expansion; expansion intensity; spatial models; Hexi corridor; performance evaluation
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