- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)01-0047-06
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.007
- 项目基金:江南古典园林数据云平台建设。
- 作者简介:梁慧琳,南京林业大学风景园林学院博士生;
- 基于空间句法的江南私家园林空间开合量化研究
- Space Opening and Closing Quantification of Private Gardens in Southern Yangtze River Based on Space Syntax Theory
- 浏览量:
- 梁慧琳 张青萍
- LIANG Huilin ZHANG Qingping
- 摘要:
中国古典园林在构建师法自然的山水意境时,因善用空间开合对比和衬托的造园手法而呈现出变化多端、小中见大的空间效果。江南私家园林是中国古典园林的重要组成部分。其多建于城市中,面积有限,但对空间开合布局及对比手法的运用最为淋漓尽致,空间效果以以少胜多取胜。本文基于空间句法理论,以苏州怡园、沧浪亭、留园等不同面积大小的江南私家园林为例,通过空间连接度和对比度等指标,量化其空间的开合变化和对比等布局特征,分析游人在主要游线上的空间开合体验感,并将量化研究的结果图示化、直观化。本文的研究目的在于突破中国古典园林空间传统的主观分析、感性描述的研究方法,科学、理性地研究和分析江南私家园林小中见大的空间效果,探求其无序随机、富于变化的空间开合表象下隐藏的理性规律和特点。 - 关键词:
古典园林;江南私家园林;空间句法;空间对比;空间开合; - Abstract: Chinese classical gardens are constructed based upon the law of natural landscape mood due to the use of space to open and close contrast and set off the garden approach, showing a variety of small and medium-sized space effect. Southern Yangtze River private garden is an important part of Chinese classical gardens. Many of these gardens were built in the city, and the area is limited, but the layout of the space and the use of contrast techniques are reflected most vividly. Based on the theory of space syntax, this paper takes the Southern Yangtze River private gardens of different sizes as example, through the spatial connectivity and contrast index, quantify the spatial distribution and contrast. The purpose of this paper is to break through the subjective analysis and the perceptual description of Chinese classical garden space research, to research and analyze the space effect of small and medium sized private gardens in Southern Yangtze River rationally, and to explore its varied space.
- Key words: Chinese classical gardens; private garden in Southern Yangtze River; space syntax; space contrast; space opening and closing
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