- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)10-0052-06
- 中图分类号:F129.9 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.10.009
- 项目基金:受中央高校项目“中新互联互通促进现代服务经济发展的体系建构、战略选择与路径设计”(106112016C D J S K01X K01)和国家社科基金“人力资本时空结构及其对长江经济
- 作者简介:李航,女,四川旅游学院经济管理学院,主要从事产业经济研究。
- 重庆市生产性服务业空间结构演化 及其成因研究
- The Spatial Structure Evolution and Causes of Producer Service in Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 李航
- LI Hang
- 摘要:
通过合理界定生产性服务业内涵及统计范围,基于三次经济普查的大样本企业信息数据和A r c G I S 分析平台,运用核密度分析方法模拟了2004-2013 年重庆市生产性服务业空间结构演化,并深入探索了政府与市场共同作用下生产性服务业空间结构演化的成因。研究结果表明:2004-2013 年间,重庆市各细分生产性服务业表现出不同空间结构特征,但整体没能形成服务业集聚的发展梯次。最后提出了简短的对策建议。 - 关键词:
重庆市;生产性服务业;空间结构;演化; - Abstract: Based upon large sample enterprise data from three economic census, defining the connotation of the producer service reasonably, using kernel density analysis method to simulate the spatial structure of producer services in Chongqing from 2004 to 2013, we explored how the government and the market work together to form the spatial structure evolution mechanism of producer services. The results indicate that from 2004 to 2013, different types of producer services in Chongqing present different spatial structure characteristics. Finally, this paper presents a brief countermeasures and suggestions.
- Key words: Chongqing; producer service; spatial structure; evolution
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