  • 经济
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)11-0108-07
  • 中图分类号:K902    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.11.016
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目 (41171131)。
  • 作者简介:蒋华雄(1989-),男,四川达州人,北京大学城市与环境学院硕士研究生,主要从事城市经济与经济地理研究; 孟晓晨(1955-),通信作者,女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,北京大学城市与环境学院副教授,主要从事城市经济与经济地理研究。
  • 高速铁路对中国城市产业市场潜力 的影响研究
  • Impact of High Speed Rail upon Market Potential of Urban Industries in China
  • 浏览量:
  • 蒋华雄 孟晓晨
  • JIANG Huaxiong MENG Xiaochen
  • 摘要:
    交通作为城市发展的重要作用力,对城市经济及产业发展起到推动作用。为了探讨高铁对我国城市产业结构的影响,本文修正了市场潜力模型并识别出可能利用高铁的产业,计算2012 年基于普铁及基于高铁城市各产业市场潜力及变化值,分析高铁对城市产业市场潜力的规模及空间影响特征。得到:1)高铁对制造业的市场潜力规模影响最大,其次分别为批发零售业、交通邮政业、租赁商服业、信息技术服务业、科研服务业、住宿餐饮业,对金融业市场潜力影响最小;2)城市规模越大,高铁对其产业市场潜力的影响越大;3)高铁使得制造业、交通邮政业、批发零售业、信息技术服务业、住宿餐饮业、租赁商服业和科研服务业的空间分布更加极化,使金融业的空间分布更加均衡。高铁对城市不同产业的空间集聚分布影响呈现“多中心廊道”结构,长三角、珠三角、海西沿线、京津沿线成为各产业主要的集聚分布地区。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Transportation is an important force of urban development, which will facilitate urban economic and industrial development. In order to investigate the impact of high speed rail (HSR) upon the industrial development in China, this paper revised the market potential model and identified the possible industry which might use the HSR, and calculate the market potential and its change based on 2012 traditional railway and HSR data in order to analyze the influence of the high-speed rail. Results show: 1) HSR has the biggest impact on the market potential of manufacturing, followed by wholesale & retail, transportation & postal, leasing services, information technology services, research services, accommodation & catering, respectively, and the financial industry has the smallest impact by HSR. 2) HSR increases the market potential proportion of information technology services, manufacturing, transportation & postal, accommodation & catering and research services, leasing services, and reduces the proportion of wholesale & retail and finance industry on average. 3) HSR makes the spatial distribution of manufacturing, transportation & postal service, wholesale & retail, information technology services, accommodation & catering, leasing service and research services more polarized, and making the financial sector more balanced. The agglomeration of market potential of different industries which presented “polycentric and corridor” structure, mainly concentrates in areas like the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, coastal area and Beijing-Tianjin HSR line.
  • Key words: high speed rail; urban industrial structure; market potential; China
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