- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)11-0051-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.11.008
- 项目基金:山东省社会科学规划研究项目“山东省城乡基础教育设施空间配置评价与规划对策研究”(14CSHJ09)阶段性成果。
- 作者简介:孙雯雯,山东建筑大学建筑城规学院,讲师。
- 存量规划背景下基础教育设施配置问题刍议
- Opinions on Basic Education Facilities Allocation under Inventory Planning Background
- 浏览量:
- 孙雯雯
- SUN Wenwen
- 摘要:
明确了基础教育设施的概念和物品属性,对城市旧城区基础教育设施配置问题的累积机制进行了分析,指出旧城区基础教育设施配置问题产生的影响包括:基础教育设施非均衡化发展造成城市运行效率下降,片面追求经济利益使得城市综合效益得不到保障,制度的不健全带来公共政策干预市场失灵的失效。然后,阐述了城乡规划在旧城基础教育设施配置中的作为。针对城乡规划作用过程中的不完善之处提出如下解决策略:完善城乡规划干预市场失灵过程中基础教育设施配置的制度设计;协调各职能部门,深化公众参与机制,兼顾各利益方诉求,提出基础教育设施配置系统化解决方案;建立城镇乡三级统筹、地域上无缝衔接、与社会经济水平相匹配的基础教育设施配置体系;制定合理的标准规范,充分运用数字信息技术,增加方法的科学性和管理的效率化。 - 关键词:
存量规划;基础教育设施;制度设计; - Abstract: Firstly, this article explicates the concept and item property of basic education facilities, analyzes the problems and points out the influence factors of basic education facilities allocation in old parts of the city. The influence factors include the operating efficiency decrement due to imbalanced development of basic education facilities, the unguaranteed city efficiency due to one-sided pursuit of economic interests, the failure of public policy intervention on market due to the imperfect system. Secondly, this article explicates the effect of urban planning on basic education facilities allocation. At last, this article proposes several solutions to improve urban planning, for instance, to optimize the allocation scheme to insure basic education facilities a balanced development, to establish a systemic scheme to keep the balance between economic development and city efficiency, to establish a seamless connection for basic education facilities allocation by city-town-village three level co-ordination, to formulate reasonable standard criteria and make the methods more scientific, the management more efficient.
- Key words: inventory planning; basic education facilities; system design
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